A Do Your Worst Variant (Let’s share our old, and probably bad, work)

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  • #122898
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 812


      I’m glad you’re feeling better!! I’m actually sick right now too! 🙁

      Thank you sister! Sending a prayer up for you!!!

      Make sure you share some of yours! I’m gonna go through and see if you have or not… talk soon :)!

      Yeah I did, just one chapter…but somebody said they wanted more…I forget who…so I’ll probably put some more on here soon.

      Gosh, I forgot to tag you *facepalms* Sorry!

      You’re fine! “All’s well that ends well!”

      Oh yes, here i come!!

      WHAT did you say about RIKER!?!? XDD Just Kidding :).

      AHHHHH!!!! The RIKER WRATH!!! 😂😂😂😂

      He must increase, but I must decrease.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2334

        @theloonyone Hehe I just read your supergirl comic and it love it😆

        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156


          Whew, thanks. Riker Wrath can be pretty fierce. Wait, Riker Wrath???!!!! Is that weird? It just popped out of my head. It seemed the logical way to explain what I meant!! 😂😂 Let me clarify: it’s not Riker’s wrath. It’s the wrath that some people *I won’t say names…ahem…* feel when Riker gets abused…

          Lol, I like it! XDXDXD

          It’s really just a good ole’ sense of justice.

          Sure is! 😉 XD

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @lightoverdarkness6. Hope you get to feeling better soon!!! <333 I’ll pray for you!!! <3

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1643


              Thank you sister! Sending a prayer up for you!!!

              You’re so welcome!! Thank you so much!! <3 <3 <3

              Yeah I did, just one chapter…but somebody said they wanted more…I forget who…so I’ll probably put some more on here soon.

              I found yours!! Yes, please share the second chapter!! It was so cute! I loved the historical vibe–even if you didn’t know much about history at that time XD :).

              You’re fine! “All’s well that ends well!”

              True, true :).

              AHHHHH!!!! The RIKER WRATH!!! 😂😂😂😂

              YES!!! Riker Wrath XD. Not on you! But DEFINITELY on Riker’s abusers (terrible people that never should’ve been born!!!!!!!!)


              Hope you get to feeling better soon!!! <333 I’ll pray for you!!! <3

              Aww thank you!! That means so much :)!  <3 <3 <3


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156


                But DEFINITELY on Riker’s abusers (terrible people that never should’ve been born!!!!!!!!)

                YESSSSS!!!! Tell it, sister!!! XDXDXDXD

                Aww thank you!! That means so much :)!  <3 <3 <3

                You are sooo welcome!!! 😀 <3333

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1643


                  YESSSSS!!!! Tell it, sister!!! XDXDXDXD

                  YESSSS!!!! Hans is my least favorite. I think. It’s hard to choose between Adoulphus, Diethrich, and Has. THEY ARE ALL GOING DOWN!!!

                  You are sooo welcome!!! 😀 <3333

                  I’m feeling better already :)!!

                  Also, I just read your newest chapter, and it is SOOO GOOD!!!! LOVE IT!!


                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1643

                    freedomwriter76 @loopylin @theloonyone @mineralizedwritings @felicity

                    Okay, heres the beginning of my old story, that I already posted so you won’t be completely lost bc it just plunges right back in XD.

                    Once apon a time there was a camel. The camel loved to drink some water at the forest and he swam across the ocean so he could get some water because the desert was to hot.
                    And there was a rabbit and a raccoon. The rabbit jumped in the water so the camel wouldn’t see him and be mad. (about what? 😂) The raccoon didn’t want to jump in and get his fur wet.
                    And there was a fairy above his head watching him. (😅🤷🏻‍♀️🤣.)

                    The camel saw the rabbit and raccoon and he knew they were drinking/stealing his water. There was only a little bit. When the rabbit popped up, the camel saw they were his grandkids. The kangaroo and turtle were looking for the rabbit and the raccoon. They were the kangaroos babies. The turtle is the daddy. The kangaroo is the mommy. The rabbit is the brother and the raccoon is the little sister. The rabbit protects his little sister.

                    (Heres the next part).

                    And there was another little sister too. They had 3 kids but 2 of them were looking for their parents and they found the camel who is their grandfather. The little sister is on daddy turtle’s back and daddy turtle runs fast. Little sister can only run 3″ long (XD). The mama Kangaroo could jump high. She can jump a billion and daddy can run a billion fast to catch up to his babies (LOL XD). There were 2 puppies and a mouse behind them. (Oh Listen to this XD) The puppie’s parents were not sweet to them and they died. Heavenly Father killed the parents because they were mean to their children. The mouse is their friend the puppies and mouse were adopted by the mama kangaroo and daddy turtle. The daddy turtle and their babies and they and the mouse and they loved them (I used ‘And’ way too much XD). Mama Kangaroo found adopted the puppies fed their children.

                    And thats it, folks!! It ended just like that XDD. 4 year old writing XD.


                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1643


                      Your tag didn’t work 🙂


                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 812


                        YES!!! Riker Wrath XD. Not on you! But DEFINITELY on Riker’s abusers (terrible people that never should’ve been born!!!!!!!!)


                        I found yours!! Yes, please share the second chapter!! It was so cute! I loved the historical vibe–even if you didn’t know much about history at that time XD :).

                        Ok I will. 🙂

                        Hehe…your story is so cute. I love how…

                        The puppie’s parents were not sweet to them and they died. Heavenly Father killed the parents because they were mean to their children.

                        That’s so good!!! 😀

                        He must increase, but I must decrease.

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 812


                          Ach! I forgot the six. 😀

                          He must increase, but I must decrease.

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 812

                            @mineralizedwritings @freedomwriter76 @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6 @arien @starofthenorth @theloonyone @godlyfantasy12

                            Here’s chapter two of the French-Revolution story I wrote when I was 10/11. 😀 The first chapter is on here somewhere!!

                            With original spelling and punctuation:

                            Life in the Castel -chapter two            Elisabeth de Medicis

                            Elisabeth was very wealthy. Her mother, Joan de Medicis, the princess of Rockfeller was a very popular women in the castle. Her father, though, Maximilien von Metternich wasn’t much more than a name.

                            Yes, he had control over lots of servants and land, but he could easily be overcome, if it weren’t for his name. Elisabeth was in her room on the balcony that overlooked the castel gardens. Right now there were 20 different servants in the gardens, some were tending the flowers, some were picking produce, some were planting fall crops, some were weeding, and some were watering. She then spied her friend Mary, walking here and there, admiring the mums and other fall flowers as well as the pretty leaves that fell from the trees.

                            “Mary! Come up here. Do you see me?” Elisabeth called.

                            At hearing her friend’s voice, Mary looked up. “I’ll be up in a mininte.”

                            Elisabeth sank down into a puffed chair to await her friends arrivel. She sighed, delightedly, half because it was so lovely, and because the governess was sick today.

                            Soon her friend came and sat down beside her. “What ails thee today, friend? Why art thee so discomforted.”

                            Elisabeth laughed. “Do I look sad? I am not discomforted, and nothing ails me.”

                            Mary’s family  used to be Hugenots, hence their accent.

                            “Well, what dost thou want from me to take me away from my walk?” Mary asked.

                            “I wanted your company. We should do something besides talking, because this is the only day that governess doesn’t have to be in here.” Elisabeth glanced around.

                            “I would, friend, But my Mother said not to get dirty, for we have a dinner to go to tonight and cannot take time to do long washings.” Mary looked pleased that she had gotten out of Elisabeth’s boring games. She was 2 years older, and preferred to stay quiet rather than be running around all the time.

                            “Aw, but couldn’t you just play one game! It won’t take long, plus we won’t even get dirty!” Elisabeth put on her pouting face. She was quite spoiled.

                            “NO, NO, dear friend.” Mary continued soothingly. “It will be fine. I must go now and help my Mother. Goodbye.”

                            Elisabeth looked dejected as she watched her friend leave. Then the door opened and her Mother walked in, followed by 2 maids who were lifting up her trailing skirts so she wouldn’t trip.

                            “Elisabeth, We are going somewhere tomorrow and I shall send for Rosa your maid to help you pack up.” Joan de Medicis adressed her daughter. With that, the rich lady Was gone and Elisabeth’s maid Rosa appeard.

                            “Come Missis Elisabeth. Tell me what you want to wear tomorrow. It must be a traveling dress.” Rosa began.

                            “Oh. I want this one.” Elisabeth fingered a lovely pink muslin dress that had a matching hankerchief, hat and purse.

                            “And which coat, Missis?”

                            “The one white one with pearls.” came the response.

                            “What stockings and garders?”

                            “White, lace stockings. I want these garders.” Elisabeth held up pink strips with golden buttons.

                            “Very well. What boots?” the maid asked wearly.

                            “The white ones with ties.” Elisabeth smiled.

                            Thus it went on, with Rosa asking questions and Elisabeth answering, till everything was packed.


                            I don’t know what I was trying to do in this chapter, besides maybe show how spoiled and rich Elisabeth was compared to Marie (see first chapter). All in all, it’s rather bland. 😀

                            He must increase, but I must decrease.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2334

                              @felicity I love it! The fancy accents were funny to read XD

                              “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 812


                                I know right? I was obsessed with Quakers and all people who used to say “thee” and “thou”. 😀

                                He must increase, but I must decrease.

                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                  • Total Posts: 199


                                  Your story is so good! You were four? That’s really good for that young 🙂

                                  The puppie’s parents were not sweet to them and they died. Heavenly Father killed the parents because they were mean to their children.

                                  How violent. (lol!!)

                                  I like how all the animals are related even though they aren’t at all the same species.

                                  Dark is the Shadow, and yet my heart rejoices.

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