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November 27, 2022 at 8:53 pm #122319
@mineralizedwritings Our conversation of old writing gave me an idea, so…
@loopylin @freedomwriter76 @folith-feolin @lightoverdarkness6 @ava-blue @felicity @arien @starofthenorth @anyoneelseSo this is partly based on a conversation about old writing and the podcast Do Your Worst (check it out, guys. And JK Studios). Basically, let’s share all of our incredibly cringy, very strange, always fun-to-read, old works. And hey, maybe some of them are really good! Short stories, poetry, everything. Looking at your old works helps you to see just how far you’ve grown- and how far you still have to grow. Plus it’s funny.
Tag anyone you think should join in on this
November 27, 2022 at 8:53 pm #122320I’ll give the offering of the first chapter (why am I sharing this) of my four elements book. Ok, I only ever wrote one chapter. And it’s probably a good thing it ended there. I also wrote this whole thing as two terribly formatted paragraphs, so I’m keeping it that way. 😂 Anyway, here ya go:
“Race you to the boat!” called Kate as she ran across the dock. Her brother Liam still stood on shore as he called back to her, “Even if you beat me you can’t sail.” “Who says I can’t sail!” Kate called back as she hopped into the boat. She looked around and say a rope tying the boat to the dock. As she untied the rope Liam called to her, “Kate wait for me,” Kate looked around at all the ropes and tugged on the one closest to her. The boat suddenly started moving. “Katie! Come back!” Liam yelled. “Ok, so I want the wind to push me, so let’s go back to the dock.” “Oh good,” Liam said as he saw Kate coming back toward him. “Hey Liam! I’m sailing!” called Kate. Liam smiled at his little sister with pride, “Come over here and pick me up.” Kate brought the boat to the dock and Liam hopped onto the boat. “Lets go to ghost island for lunch,” Kate said. Liam answered, “Did you bring food?” “Yes,” Katie said as she pointed to a basket on the deck. Liam said “Alright, now I`m going to teach how to really sail.”
At dinner Liam asked his parents if he and Kate could go sailing with their friends the next day. “ Yeah we should,” Kate said as she twirled her spaghetti. “We could spend the night on an island. Ooooh, we could catch our food and cook it! What else could we do?” “Yeah mom, could we maybe stay out for two days?” Liam asked. Kate looked to Liam with a hopeful glance, and Liam’s mom answered, “I guess you two could stay out for two days. Make sure to bring everything you need.” “COULD WE EVEN STAY A WHOLE WEEK!?” Kate asked. “Oh you could stay out for a while. Just make sure to be safe.” mom answered. “We haven’t even asked our friends if they want to come,” Liam said. Kate answered, “They’ll want to! How could they resist?” The two children looked hopefully up at their parents. “Could we go and ask them after dinner?” Liam asked since their friends only lived next door. “Well you two go and ask,” said their mom as she started picking up plates, “Your dad and I will clean up. But don’t think you won’t have loads of chores before you go,” she called after them as they ran out of the kitchen, and out of the house.
(I just realized that this is a second version that I wrote that doesn’t include Kate stealing some random kids boat, having to have her brother get her back to the dock, and then oh no, her parents made her write an apology letter. I’ll have to dig that version out of wherever it was lost too. 💀)
November 27, 2022 at 9:05 pm #122324Sadly I don’t have much old writing! I have some from 8th grade that was pretty funny, but lol I just put it in storage!! why?!!
Lol your story is so funny 😂 Stole some kids boat and had to write an apology letter?! 😂🤣
Well I’ll do my best to put a description of it here because I won’t be able to find it. I don’t consider this super old writing either.
Ok so this was a school assignment to draw a comic in 8th grade. I’m going to translate what I can remember here.
So you see Mable Fairchild writing in her diary. It says something along the lines of.
“I’m Mable Fairchild, Cousin of a Russian princess, (58th cousin 60 times removed to be exact) and I know I must be the most beautiful girl in the world being an Instagram sensation at only 9 with 1,198 followers.”
“I think that’s enough for today.”
It then shows her going downstairs, where her grandmom tells her there is a unicorn genetics lab opening nearby and wants to buy her this extremely expensive unicorn. She goes to do research, but some of the only information she can find is that it is the fastest reproducing animal. She thinks that’s a bit odd but is excited when they deliver the unicorn, which kicks and acts crazy until the keeper gets it in the stable. In the morning they discover a hole in the wall, and realize it escaped. Another unicorn escaped too and… they look over to see a family of unicorns, eating there grass awhile later. She remembers in a quick flashback they reproduce very fast.
So yeah 🤣 it’s implied they are worried about a takeover of unicorns 😂
November 27, 2022 at 10:21 pm #122341Um, I have tons of old writing from when I was 10-12…it’s pretty bad/funny/embarrassing! But actually, the interesting thing about childhood writing is that I was so naive and my hopes and dreams were so simple and…I miss being little!!! 🙁
It was fun reading your story…isn’t it funny how in our old stories our parents always let us do the craziest things?! In my stories Dad and Mom NEVER said no. 😀 It was like a fairy tale where everything went exactly how I wanted it to and nothing ever went wrong…
@mineralizedwritings 58th cousin 60 times removed!!! That’s hilarious!Ok here’s some historical fiction…Don’t ask me why I tried writing about the French Revolution when I knew absolutely nothing about it!!
Chapter One: Hard Times (October 5, 1789)
Marie slowly followed the two other workers to the garden plot. This was where they had come yesterday, and the day before, and for weeks now. The young girl in front of her was a 16 year old Catherine Versalius, and the boy in front of her was her brother, 14 year old Francis. Marie was only 12, but she too was sent to work day after day.
Here at the castle of Rockfeller life was not that good. At least for the unlucky servants it wasn’t. But for Maximilien von Metterrich, the duck of Wellington, and his wife, Joan de Medicis, the princess of Rockfeller, life couldn’t be any better. They had 10,000 servants, and 100 maids, 200 menservants and 30,000 soldiers. Also 1,000 guards. There was no end to the luxury here. (originally spelled “lugsery” 😀 🤣
‘Maybe that’s why we are not treated well’, Marie thought as she kicked at a stone in the road. ‘There’s so many of us.’
“Marie, you need to start working,” Catherine looked at her disapprovingly.
Marie guiltily took her how and began making rows in the hard dirt. Catherine planted the fall lettuce and Francis kept on a lookout for any danger.
Here in France, things were not going well with all the revolutions, and just yesterday Marie had been told that her aunt was part of a mob of women who plundered bread shops in Paris and had been killed. There were rumors going around that the King, Louis, was going to move to Paris because the mob began to head towards the palace of Versailles.
All of the sudden, Marie snapped back into reality as Francis called out, “5 soldiers at 6:00!”
Catherine and Marie spun around just in time to see Francis blow his whistle loudly and 5 armed men come running out of the brush. At Francis’ whistle, 2 other men from the castle soon arrived and a harsh fight soon followed in which Catherine and Marie fled back to the castle and more men arrived on the scene. The soldiers were soon killed and none from the castle was very wounded except Francis who was not armed and had a few minor wounds. The girls were soon told that those men were spies who had intended to take them captive and force information out of them about the castle and Maximilien von Metterrich. Marie shivered whenever she thought of it, and hoped that everything would be safe from now on. But it was not to be that way, for the Heavenly Father had plans for Marie that she did not know of.
Whew- that was hard to read/type!! I cracked up over how many servants Maxi…what’s his name had!! And the names! Maximilien is some form of Roman name, combined with von which is what, Dutch? and Metterrich is totally made up. And him and his princess wife live at the castle of Rockfeller…🤣🤣🤣 (Oh, meanwhile this Roman/Dutch/French guy is the duke of Wellington, which is an BRITISH name/place!!!!!) 🤣🤣🤣
There is another chapter if anyone is interested…..why am I doing this again???He must increase, but I must decrease.
November 27, 2022 at 10:27 pm #122343Lol your story is so funny 😂 Stole some kids boat and had to write an apology letter?! 😂🤣
Haha, yup. All I remember of what I planned was that those two and their two friends would go to the island and stuff would happen. That’s it. And stuff with the four elements. Cause there are four of them. Yup. I really have to find the original with Kate being even more chaotic 🤣
“I’m Mable Fairchild, Cousin of a Russian princess, (58th cousin 60 times removed to be exact) and I know I must be the most beautiful girl in the world being an Instagram sensation at only 9 with 1,198 followers.”
“I think that’s enough for today.”
I love this! She seems like such a fun character!
It then shows her going downstairs, where her grandmom tells her there is a unicorn genetics lab opening nearby and wants to buy her this extremely expensive unicorn. She goes to do research, but some of the only information she can find is that it is the fastest reproducing animal. She thinks that’s a bit odd but is excited when they deliver the unicorn, which kicks and acts crazy until the keeper gets it in the stable. In the morning they discover a hole in the wall, and realize it escaped. Another unicorn escaped too and… they look over to see a family of unicorns, eating there grass awhile later. She remembers in a quick flashback they reproduce very fast.
This is so funny! 🤣🤣😂 I love this! It’s such a cool idea. My eyes widened when I saw unicorn genetics, cause unicorn genetics. Instagram and unicorns in the same world? YES! And the quick reproducing 😂🤣 It’s such a funny and original idea!
So yeah 🤣 it’s implied they are worried about a takeover of unicorns 😂
YES! Yes, absolutely! Once again, I love this!
November 27, 2022 at 11:05 pm #122365It was fun reading your story…isn’t it funny how in our old stories our parents always let us do the craziest things?! In my stories Dad and Mom NEVER said no. 😀 It was like a fairy tale where everything went exactly how I wanted it to and nothing ever went wrong…
Haha, yes! She’s like, “Can we stay on an island for a week?”
And her parents just say, “Sure! Make sure to do your chores!” 😂🤣
That is however when they actually had parents. When I was younger I had an obsession with orphans. I even wrote a play where I was an orphan. When I was like five. And performed it for my very alive parents. There was music. 😁😐 That’s all I have to add.
Ok here’s some historical fiction…Don’t ask me why I tried writing about the French Revolution when I knew absolutely nothing about it!!
YES! Writing about things you have no knowledge of! My favorite pastime!
Whew- that was hard to read/type!! I cracked up over how many servants Maxi…what’s his name had!! And the names! Maximilien is some form of Roman name, combined with von which is what, Dutch? and Metterrich is totally made up. And him and his princess wife live at the castle of Rockfeller…🤣🤣🤣 (Oh, meanwhile this Roman/Dutch/French guy is the duke of Wellington, which is an BRITISH name/place!!!!!) 🤣🤣🤣
😆 What comes from writing without research. (But that research part is so hard!)
I love this, though! It was fun despite the historical inaccuracies. Granted all I know about the French Revolution comes from Les Misérables, so you could get away with it. 😂
There is another chapter if anyone is interested…..why am I doing this again???Yes, I am very much interested. 😁
That’s what I asked myself too. Yet I did it. And I have more where it came from (if you are interested).
Childhood literary GOLD
November 27, 2022 at 11:20 pm #122372Haha, yes! She’s like, “Can we stay on an island for a week?”
And her parents just say, “Sure! Make sure to do your chores!” 😂🤣
I know right?! 😂 Story parents are never worried.
That is however when they actually had parents. When I was younger I had an obsession with orphans. I even wrote a play where I was an orphan. When I was like five. And performed it for my very alive parents. There was music. 😁😐 That’s all I have to add.
Oh no!! 🤣 (That must have been adorable tho…)
I love this, though! It was fun despite the historical inaccuracies. Granted all I know about the French Revolution comes from Les Misérables, so you could get away with it. 😂
Thanks… *wince, grinning sheepishly*
Yes, I am very much interested. 😁
Um…ok, maybe tomorrow? 😂
That’s what I asked myself too. Yet I did it. And I have more where it came from (if you are interested).
Oh yeah, sure! It’s always easier laughing at someone else’s old writing…(wait did I say laughing? I meant enjoying… never mind.) 😂😂
Childhood literary GOLD
Preach it sister!! 🙂 Who knows, twenty years from now when we’re all best-sellers and pumping out new novels every six months and have huge fan bases, somebody might pay for our childhood writing. (Imagine being able to tell all your friends, “I have one of the first stories ___insert name__ ever wrote!”) Ok maybe that’s a little far fetched! 😀
He must increase, but I must decrease.
November 27, 2022 at 11:41 pm #122374Oh no!! 🤣 (That must have been adorable tho…)
Haha, yeah! I don’t know why, but kids are just weirdly morbid. I know I haven’t completely grown out of it, nor have others, cause my friend and I realized that we both like having terrible things happen to characters. I don’t know what’s up.
Oh yeah, sure! It’s always easier laughing at someone else’s old writing…(wait did I say laughing? I meant enjoying… never mind.) 😂😂
Oh yes, I laugh at, I mean enjoy my own old writing, too. Tomorrow I’ll see if I can find the original Four Elements (the one with boat thieving and apology letters). I think I might know where it is. If not, I have plenty of other terrible, I mean uh pre-growth (pre-growth?) writing to share.
Preach it sister!! 🙂 Who knows, twenty years from now when we’re all best-sellers and pumping out new novels every six months and have huge fan bases, somebody might pay for our childhood writing. (Imagine being able to tell all your friends, “I have one of the first stories ___insert name__ ever wrote!”) Ok maybe that’s a little far fetched! 😀
Hey, anything is possible. 🤣😂 (I better make sure I know where they all are. They could be worth something, someday)
November 28, 2022 at 2:52 pm #122431@felicity @mineralizedwritings
I did it. I found the original. It’s even four chapters (we’re going to ignore the fact that each chapter is about a paragraph long). (I’m also keeping my atrocious formatting) Enjoy.
Chapter 1
“Race you to the boat” called Kate as she ran across the dock. Her brother Liam still stood on shore as he called back to her, “Even if you beat me you can’t sail.” “Who says I can’t sail.” Kate called back as she hopped into the boat. She looked around and saw a rope tying the boat to the dock. As she untied the rope Liam started walking across the dock getting worried. Kate looked around at all the ropes and tugged on the one closest to her. The boat suddenly started moving. Liam looked up and sprinted to the boat and saw another boat and hopped in. This was the first time Kate had been alone in a boat away from the dock. “Katie, what do you think your doing?!” yelled Liam as he sailed toward the boat his little sister was in. Kate yelled back, “Don’t call me Katie, it makes me sound like a baby.” “You’re being a baby trying to sail a boat.” Liam yelled back. Many people were staring at the commotion. One boy yelled “Hey what are you doing in my boat!” Kate yelled at Liam “Baby’s are cowards, I’m being brave doing this!” That’s it.” yelled Liam “I’m coming out.” Liam sailed out and grabbed a rope hanging off his boat and tied it to the one he was on. He then sailed to the dock and tied his boat to it and then the one he was in. Liam grabbed Kates arm and pulled her off the dock. As they walked back home Kate noticed how much fun being in the boat was and how much she really liked water.
Chapter 2
At dinner Liam told his parents what had happened. “I’m sorry I just got so excited,” said Kate, “Could you please teach me to sail?” Liam replied, “Maybe if you promise not to do something like that again.” Kate shuffled her feet and bit her lip, “Okay,” she answered, “just make it fun.” Slowly their father rose up and said, “You two can go sailing tommarow, but first. Kate, you need to write an apology letter to whoevers boat that was your brother had to use to get you.” “Okay,” responded Kate as she headed to her room. Kate grabbed a pencil and some paper to write a letter. She would do almost anything to learn how to sail. As she wrote she thought about what to do the next day. When she went to sleep she dreamed of sailing, the water shimmering. It was truly beautiful. Kate could not wait.
Chapter 3
When Kate woke up she grabbed the letter and read over it. It simply said
Dear ?,
I do not know what your name is but I am truly sorry. My name is Kate and I got very exited when me and My brother Liam went sailing I sailed out alone in his boat and would not come back. He had to come get me using your boat,
sincerely, Kate
Liam walked into the room and read the not. “Come on Sis,” he said, “We have some sailing to do. Kate grabbed an envelope and put the letter in it. Kate and Liam ran all the way down to the docks with Kate gripping the letter to give to the person.
Chapter 4
At the docks Kate and Liam saw their friends Rachel and Mathew. “Hey Kathrine!” Called Mathew as Kate and Liam ran toward them, “Remember,” said Kate “I am Kate, not Kathrine!” “How about we all go sailing together!” Liam said only seconds before Mathew and Kate chorosed together, “Definitely!” Everyone turned to look at Rachel, who was a little afraid of water. “That sounds like fun,” said Rachel unreasuringly. “I have a better idea,” said Mathew, “We should camp out at the island..” Everyone agreed. Liam and Mattew both ran to their house and asked of they could spend a week camping at the island. Mathew came back with food and Liam brought other supplies. While they were gone, Kate and Rachel found the boy whose boat Liam used and gave him the letter. Half an hour later they were all in boats ready to go. They chose to have Liuam and Kate go in Liam’s boat and Mathew and Rachel go in Mathew. After a few minutes of sailing at full sail the small island was in view. Liam loved the feeling of wind blowing against his face. Kate loved the glimmering water shining under herself. She sometimes tried to touch it. Within minutes they were climbing out of their boats and wading through the shallow water toward the island. Liam and Mathew tied one end of rope to their boat and pulled the other end to shore and tied it to a tree.
And that’s where it ends. I kept in the typos cause they’re funny😂🤣😂
Why did I share this?
I also found a supergirl comic I wrote (not connected to the DC supergirl) when I was about eightish and my story about Bunnyland, the place where it is Easter all year long. The Bunnyland one is old. I don’t remember when I wrote it but I found the one sheet of paper deep inside a box.
Childhood literary GOLD
November 28, 2022 at 4:05 pm #122442“Baby’s are cowards, I’m being brave doing this!”
Bunnyland lol.
Now I wish I had more old writing. I only started writing this year so I don’t have any 😭
Oh but I did do this thing where my sister and I would make up my little pony oc’s, and I think we were trying to always come up with cooler names for them then eachother… I was always trying to be better than her XD
Oh yes. Perhaps I could share old art here 🤣 I think i just put that in storage too oops (sounds like an exuse ik) I have this one that was a horse with a really long tail, and a tiny blob next to it. It said, “universe” so basically the horse was giant because that blob was the universe. I got a bit obsessed with the universes size in comparison to things, because it instantly made your drawing really big 😂
November 28, 2022 at 6:41 pm #122455Bunnyland lol.
Yes. Bunnyland. 😂 (I just realized that you can italicize emojis. the things I’m going to do with this…)
🤣😛😣 🤣😛😣
I only started writing this year so I don’t have any 😭
You only started writing this year and you’re already this good!? 😲😲😍
Oh yes. Perhaps I could share old art here 🤣
Oh yessy yes. *cue mad scientist cackle* I have plenty of that. I even still have my sketchbook/journal from kindergarten. 😏 But the best stuff is from third grade. Childhood art GOLD
I think i just put that in storage too oops (sounds like an exuse ik)
I have this one that was a horse with a really long tail, and a tiny blob next to it. It said, “universe” so basically the horse was giant because that blob was the universe. I got a bit obsessed with the universes size in comparison to things, because it instantly made your drawing really big 😂
Haha, yes! That’s fun!
November 28, 2022 at 6:55 pm #122457italicizing emojis?! 😮
This is very new to me!
Hey you can bold them too!
Its not a big difference, here are the normal ones.
You only started writing this year and you’re already this good!? 😲😲😍
Thanks! I’d wanted to write for awhile before, I simply had no plot. I did like hearing my sister tell me about her story though and I’d give little ideas here and there. I could always do descriptive writing, but never had a plot.
No really I put a bunch of stuff in storage when my sister moved out 😂 Yeah… really sounds like an excuse.
I’ll do some digging and see if I find anything.
Because like you said… childhood art is gold
😂🤣(yes I just put a line through my emojis why is this so fun)
November 28, 2022 at 7:06 pm #122459Ok…. I found some old art 😂
Sadly I have discarded the really old stuff, I’m curious what it was. I shredded my diary in like 4th grade, really disapionted I wanna know what was in there 😭😭😭 Like I wanna read it again sooo bad. Just imagine the pure cringe of younger me writing about a crush like I want to read it!!!
Lol anyways here is something I did find, these are drawings of if our toys were people 😂
Yes that character is named Henrietta (popsicale) bing bong.
We don’t ask questions ok.
The thing at the bottom was a imitation of how I drew ballerina cats when I was little 😂 I don’t believe that is a original because of the time I had that coloring book, and the fact that genuine childhood cat ballerinas have larger ears.
I was kinda funny looking back at this, I didn’t realize I’d liked lettering for this long! When I make fanart I try to include lettering in the background, it’s kinda my thing sometimes, i didn’t know I liked it back then.
November 28, 2022 at 8:09 pm #122469😀😁😂🤣😃😄😄😆😅😉😎😎😎
This is so much fun
🤣🤣🤣😛😛😛Thanks! I’d wanted to write for awhile before, I simply had no plot. I did like hearing my sister tell me about her story though and I’d give little ideas here and there. I could always do descriptive writing, but never had a plot.
I’m kinda the opposite. I have a lot of ideas in my head and plots and such, but when I sit down it comes out, “Bob sat. Bob stood.” Yay! I’m also a very very slow writer. So my novel in a semester class is really putting me through the wringer.
No really I put a bunch of stuff in storage when my sister moved out 😂 Yeah… really sounds like an excuse.
Uh-huh… 🤔🤔🤔🤨🤨🤨
It’s okay, I believe you 🤣😂
(yes I just put a line through my emojis why is this so fun)
Haha, yes! It’s so fun! 😂🤣😂🤣
November 28, 2022 at 8:13 pm #122471Really! That’s so the opposite of me. I’ve actually written without a plot before. Like a have this writing of a girl sitting on her balcony feeling sad because of moving or something, and it’s just a description of being sad (That was back when we wanted to move)
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