A Catwing Christmas

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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @notawriter *nods* Second to Nobody. 🙂
      He was mean. I didn’t say I liked him. just that he was there. He’s like a mirror Owen.
      It’s fine. I took it over too. :3
      Yes, this was great!

      IMMA KAPEEFER! Til we're old and gray!

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2557

        Unfortunately my character has stolen my next part. Thanks Kay.

        Part Six
        In Deep Waters (Hello, reader people :P)

        /I could’ve done better./ I stared at the old bearded man lying motionless on the ground. His friends watched where the Catwing and narrator had vanished. /The doctor was a nice touch. But this death is too dull and failable./ A bi-pedal dog with a cat tail looked at me. Her wet nose was sniffing twice a second.
        “Who are you? Why do you smell like you fell in a dumpster?” She continued sniffing, her nose dripped from sniffing so hard. A growl rumbled up to her throat from her chest.
        “Probably because I jumped into one.” I smiled, even though she probably could smell my fear through the smell of trash. /Don’t let her smell fear, stop being afraid./ For the hundredth time I focused and made myself calm. /I am not afraid. Relax. Don’t worry danger is not chasing after you./
        Some guy with his hair standing up stuck an extension cord in my face. “If you are any part of killing my brother you are going to hear it from me.”
        The ground shifted, the sky darkened, and we were all standing in a grave yard. /Did they do that or the Wonder?/ The old guy was now in a coffin. /Maybe, that Wiser guy did. In which case his act ain’t half bad./ I grinned and nodded. /That could score some drama points on this./ Lightning flashed.
        Another guy wearing a giant raspberry on his head pointed his sword in my face. If what I heard was right he was their king. “Did you do that?”
        “You mean you didn’t?” I stopped and blinked for a second then, laughed.
        He frowned.
        A giant gush of wind blew my hair. A massive dragon the color of an old page glared at me it’s wings fanned out intimidatingly. “What do you know?” Angry smoke rose from it’s snout.
        “I know a lot of things.” I shrugged. /Remain calm./ “Why?”
        “You’re the second stranger in the past few minutes.” An elf in a dark cloak, red boots, and swooping hat with a feather. She drew her sword from its elaborate scabbard. “What happened to the Wiser?”
        /Now I have two swords pointed at me. And a dragon. What’s your plan?/ “Someone wanted him dead.”
        “Who killed him?”
        “He was the cliched mentor, it happens. Besides he has those speeches about writing the worst books using cliches and such.” I shrugged. Inside I was sweating. /This is craziest group of people I have ever run across./ The storm cracked and flashed over head, but rain held it breathe. /They don’t know he isn’t dead, be nice. Go easy. Stay calm./ “Um, someone didn’t want him to tell the dragon it’s the Chosen Kid.” /Uck, with a mob boss I’m solid, but /now/ I fumble? With the weirdest group of creatures and people, governed by someone wearing a raspberry./
        /Floom!/ The dragon melted a chair, then snapped at my face. I flinched, then blinked. She blinked. Her golden pupils shrunk and sparked as they bore into mine, like she was looking into my soul. It was then I realized I had started walking backwards, I halted myself. “You know more than you’re telling us.” She snapped.
        “Hhhhiisssssssssssss!” Something black was falling from a hole in the sky. The hole was a portal. And a girl followed the black thing and jumped out of the portal. Only the girl released a parachute.
        The black thing hit the old dead lightning struck tree next to them. It spread it’s feathered wings shaking itself, a cat with wings. The catwing looked worriedly at the girl parachuting after her. “This is not good.” Then she saw me. “Kay? What are you doing here?” Glancing between the dragon and me, her fur stood on end.
        I smiled. “You know why I’m here.”
        Shaking her head she motioned at the dragon. “Snapper, it’s okay she’s a friend.” She looked up. “But she may need to be detained, she’s after me.”
        Snapper raising an eyebrow, then huffing. Bulleting into the sky and grabbing the parachuting girl. The girl screamed at her. “Hey! I don’t need you catching me! I was parachuting! Let me down!”
        /Oh, no./ I recognized her voice. No, I had to be mistaken. It couldn’t be her. But I was here wasn’t I? And who else would jump through a portal with a parachute? /Please, no. Anyone but her. Anyone. Even Kevin./
        The dragon landed and sat her down on her feet. Alice brushed herself off. She pushed down her fluffy bob of yellow-white hair. Some of the KaPeeFers pointed their swords in her face. /Cluck, cluck, cluck../ Shaking her head and clucking her tongue, she daintily tapped the ends of their swords with her finger. “We all know none of you would actually use those.” A grin painted itself slightly crooked on her face, followed by a shrug. “So why bother?” She unclicked her parachuting harness and waltzed up to me. She bopped me on the nose. “Hey Kitty-Kat-Kathrine long time no see.”
        I glared at her, resisting the urge to attack her face with my nails and give her something to think about. Perhaps then she would stop bopping people on the nose.
        “Come now, is that any way to treat an old friend? What about a hello or bungee jumping invite?”
        “I would hardly call you an old friend, Alice.” I said her name like it tasted like lemons. “More like an old enemy.”
        “Frenemies?” She laughed. “Oh, it doesn’t matter. Remember when we were friends?”
        I huffed. “You’re a traitor.”
        “Oh, come now let’s not act like little children.” She spread her arms out like she was suggesting that the other’s were. “Let’s make up and run a heist, topple a kingdom,” She grinned at this. “Torment our author.” /Tlip/, she spun on her heel and marched to the coffin. “You know something fun.” Leaning over she plucked up the staff from the Wiser’s hand. She twirled it around like a parader’s baton.
        “Put that back!” The poofy haired teen charged toward her.
        She stuck the staff in his chest and pushed him back. “Is that anyway to treat a guest?”
        “You may no longer be a guest.” Daeus said.
        Alice shrugged. “Eh. You wouldn’t attack me if I don’t have a weapon.” Tossing the staff away, she smirked. “Now what could we do?” She paused. “Oh, oh! We could chase Catwing.”
        “No one is going to chase me!” Catwing curled her lip, letting a hiss roll out. “Or I’ll unwrite you!”
        Rochellaine stepped forward. “Let’s talk about this.”
        Alice shook her head and clucked her tongue. “Now, now cat with wings that’s no way to talk to your characters. How would you feel if someone unwrite you?” She smirked. “Perhaps I can find Nobody or Q and arrange something?”
        “Catwing are these your characters?” Snapper glared at Catwing as if she had starting randomly destroying things. This was excelating fast.
        “Yes, we are smoking dinosaur.” Alice bounced up to Snapper and tapped her smoking nose. “And we are dimension traveling thieves.”
        “I am a dragon. I have wings.” The dragon’s eyes narrowed to slits. “Are you serious?”
        “It’s complicated.” Catwing stuttered laughter. “They’re mostly thieves in their own dimension though.” She paused. “Just so you know Alice has nothing to do with Wonderland. It’s very complicated.”
        “You’re telling me.” Flame erupted out of the side of the dragon’s mouth and melted another chair. Where all these chairs are coming from? Why was this dragon melting them?
        Alice only grinned.
        “You are insane.” The dragon looked her bluntly in the eye.
        “I know! Isn’t it great?” She grabbed Snapper’s nose and gave it a hug. “You are so huggable you scalely little dinosaur.”
        “Dragon. I’m a dragon. And I’m not little.” Wiggling free of her arms, the dragon loomed over Alice. “I don’t normally melt people but I can make an exception.”
        “That’s so nice of you.” Alice tossed the staff aside. “I love being special.”
        This was getting out of hand. I moved over to the dead tree. “Catwing, you need to fix this. You made this mess, you need to clean it up.”
        She wrinkled her nose, probably from the lingering stink of my earlier dumpster dive. “I don’t know how. You’re the one who always has a plan. You figure things out, escape detection, have great plans, be brilliant, be epic. I’m a pantster. I wing it. It was just supposed to be a fun Christmas present for everyone, but now it’s chaos.” Then I noticed, tears sat in her eyes. “Maybe Snapper can fix it, she’s the Chosen Kid.”
        She looked up to me? /I/ was /her/ character. “Do you think The Wiser said that just for effect for his ‘death’?” I looked at the coffin.
        “They don’t know.” She whispered. “But the narrator guy told me, he wasn’t dead when I interrogated him. We still don’t who wanted to kill him.”
        This was not a pickle. This was a bucket of pickles. “Look are you sure you don’t know how to fix this?”
        “How could I?” Catwing bite her lip.
        What could I do? “Maybe I can call one of my friends to help sort this out. But I don’t know what to do about Alice.”
        A grin appeared on Catwing’s face. “That’s it. I know how we can fix this.” She jumped out of the tree and rushed into a hole at its base.
        What had that cat figured out?

        @dekreel @dragon-snapper @warrenluther04 @filewriterbase13x

        @supermonkey42 @sam-kowal @aratrea (see I didn’t kill you off. You are welcome.) @skredder

        IMMA KAPEEFER! Til we're old and gray!

        Ben Powell
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 273

          @catwing Wow. Nice twist, having your own characters enter the Kingdom of Pen.

          It was just supposed to be a fun Christmas present for everyone, but now it’s chaos.

          Chaos, yes, but funny, unique, kapeefer-level chaos. 😉 That’s why it’s so fun.

          A Kapeefer for life!
          Compendium of KP Literature: kapeeferliterature.wordpress.com

          Ben Powell
            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 273

            @catwing Oh, and this is actually the seventh part, so do you mind if I call it that on the Compendium? 🙂

            A Kapeefer for life!
            Compendium of KP Literature: kapeeferliterature.wordpress.com

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 527

              @catwing I have to agree that it certainly is a bucket of pickles! 🙂 This was great! 😀

              "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

              Jessi Rae
                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 250

                Oh, good. *sighs in relief* The Wiser isn’t dead. Thank you, @catwing! Or should I thank Kay? Or even the Wiser himself, for simply acting?


                Anyway, this was great! As usual. 🙂

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3322

                  @catwing So that’s the nose-bopping character you were talking about! 😀  She’s just as annoying and just as funny as you predicted.

                  Wait a minute…did you mention Q in there?  Or did I read it wrong?  Is there another character named Q besides the one in Star Trek?


                  Let’s talk about this.

                  Hooray!  I got to be a peacemaker instead of a threatening person like I usually am in KP Lit!  Thank you so much. 😛

                  "Sylvester - Sylvester!"

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2557

                    @supermonkey42 Thank you! Indeed it is.
                    0.0 I didn’t realize that. Please do that.

                    *nods* A bucket, indeed. Thank you.

                    Since he’s an actual person on here and other people would want to use him, I couldn’t have him die for real. Could I? *grin*
                    *thinks* You should thank the Wiser.
                    Thank you!

                    That’s her. *grins* Yay I succeeded!
                    I did mention Q. The only one I know of is in Star Trek. And before you ask, I have seen lots of the Original Series and TNG. A handful of Voyager, a couple of Deep Space Nine and Enterprise. I think I have seen all three of the Reboot series, I didn’t like them very much. Kirk was too punchable and Spock’s head was too round. I only really liked the last one.
                    My favorite character is Data. And his cat. 🙂
                    I once invented a character to annoy Q. Guana didn’t like her, because she invented the Borg. Yes, my character invented the Borg. But she invented them for good. Unfortunately they were hacked and became buggy. 🙁

                    IMMA KAPEEFER! Til we're old and gray!

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2557

                      @supermonkey42 Thank you! Indeed it is.
                      0.0 I didn’t realize that. Please do that.

                      *nods* A bucket, indeed. Thank you.

                      Since he’s an actual person on here and other people would want to use him, I couldn’t have him die for real. Could I? *grin*
                      *thinks* You should thank the Wiser.
                      Thank you!

                      That’s her. *grins* Yay I succeeded!
                      I did mention Q. The only one I know of is in Star Trek. And before you ask, I have seen lots of the Original Series and TNG. A handful of Voyager, a couple of Deep Space Nine and Enterprise. I think I have seen all three of the Reboot series, I didn’t like them very much. Kirk was too punchable and Spock’s head was too round. I only really liked the last one.
                      My favorite character is Data. And his cat. 🙂
                      I once invented a character to annoy Q. Guana didn’t like her, because she invented the Borg. Yes, my character invented the Borg. But she invented them for good. Unfortunately they were hacked and became buggy. 🙁

                      I wanted to put you in there, but wasn’t sure how to have you act. That’s why you only got one line. XP
                      Decided I’d have you act as you were in my head. You’re welcome.

                      IMMA KAPEEFER! Til we're old and gray!

                      Jessi Rae
                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 250

                        @catwing I don’t know… Could you have? *watches you intently*

                        All right, then. Thank you, Wiser!


                        Ariella Newheart
                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 141

                          @catwing Awesome part! I like Alice. She seems…fun. 😛

                          INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.

                          *disappears into the shadows*

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2557

                            @jessi-Rae *grins*

                            Thank you… *Alice laughs*

                            IMMA KAPEEFER! Til we're old and gray!

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3515

                              @catwing Meant to say that I really enjoyed that last installment. 😛 I like how you portrayed me as that overly-protective, bad-cop type of dragon.

                              Because that’s what I am. 😉 😀 Awesome.

                              ☀ ☀ ☀ ENFP ☀ ☀ ☀

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2557

                                @dragon-snapper Thanks.
                                Good cause that’s how I picture you. Mostly. 🙂

                                IMMA KAPEEFER! Til we're old and gray!

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2306

                                  @catwing  Are you still working on Catwing Christmas these days? 🙂

                                  You can pronounce it however you want.

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