The Kingdom Pen forum is designed to help Christian artists and writers develop their God-given talents and desires. Please help us keep this forum uplifting, fun, and informative by following a few simple rules:
1. This is a forum founded on love. Love for Christ, and love for each other. It is our desire that the Kingdom Pen forum be a “Rivendell”: a place of shelter, healing, and peace. Let us not quibble with each other. Disagreement over issues of politics, theology, etc. should not be a hindrance to peace or goodwill. Always treat others as Christ would treat them. Let us build each other up, and not tear down.
2. If you have a question, please ask it. This forum is meant to encourage learning.
3. Don’t be afraid to answer questions if you know the answer. We can all learn from each other.
4. Please stay on topic. If posting in a writing-related board, keep the subject matter on writing.
5. Spamming is strictly forbidden. Any clear violation will result in immediate expulsion from the site.
6. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29). As ambassadors of Christ, no foul, harmful, or unedifying language or subject matter (vulgar, sexual, abusive, slanderous, etc.) will be tolerated in posts or communication between members. The name of the Lord should be revered in all forms and should not be misused.
7. Do not post any image or video which could be considered obscene or excessively gruesome. Only post that which you would be comfortable with a six-year-old viewing. Some examples of what we would consider a violation include anything heavily occult or otherwise expressing a strong and pervading sense of darkness, mutilated bodies, or any image that might be considered only half dressed.
8. Profile pictures should not be distracting or inappropriate. Do not upload anything that is gruesome, appears undressed, or contains foul language or a strong and pervading sense of darkness.
9. Tagging members is allowed, but please only tag members who are relevant to the current discussion. You may tag up to 10 members in a post, but must receive permission from one of our forum moderators if you want to tag more people than that.
10. This forum is for teens and young adults. Participants must be between the ages 13 - 30.
By creating an account on our site, you agree to follow these guidelines and uphold these standards at all times.
If the KP team sees a violation to these rules, they will issue a warning, bringing to remembrance the standards which were agreed to be upheld upon the creation of the account. A second offense will result in suspension from the forum for the period of a month. A third offense will result in permanent expulsion. The KP team reserves the right to permanently expel any member if they think they have made actions dangerous to the community.