By Joy C. Woodbury
Staying focused on one story.
This is a topic near and dear to my heart.
As a writer who has been working on the same story for a year now - with many more years in sight - I know very well the struggle to stay focused. I know the conflicting feelings that come with loving this one story so much you can’t stop until it’s finished. I won’t lie - it’s pretty tough.
It’s so tough, but I know in my heart that this is the story God wants me to write, and that’s why I’m sticking with it. Perhaps you feel the same for your own story. But how do we keep our eyes on the prize? How do we resist discouragement, frustration, and burnout? And what about those pesky plot bunnies that keep trying to drag us away?
Well, friends, that’s what I’m here to help you with today. I’ll be sharing four useful strategies that always encourage me when I’m tempted to give up. I hope they encourage you as well!
1. Don’t just disregard other story ideas that come to you
Ah, those pesky plot bunnies bent on distracting you from the story you’re committed to. This is probably the most common issue other writers ask me about regarding commitment to a single story.
Most of the time I’ll hear writers expressing guilt that they get story ideas running around in their heads, beckoning them away from their current project. My response is simple: Don’t feel guilty that your creative mind is churning out story ideas!
As a creative, your mind will always be working, and that is a blessing from God. Don’t disregard any ideas that come to you.
But with that said, how do you avoid a wild goose-chase after every plot bunny that presents itself to you? How do you stay focused on what you really should be writing - and what you really want to write?
Here’s what you should do:
2. Don’t compare your progress to the progress of other writers.
I’ll be very honest here: Many times I’ve found myself feeling envious of other writers and their projects. I’ll hear fellow writers talk about how they finished three drafts, then they finished editing, and now they’re working on the next novel in their series… and the jealousy starts to creep in.
You might find that you’re struggling with the same thing - and if you are, I want you to know first and foremost that you’re not alone! Then I want you to hear this, straight from someone who’s experienced it: Stop comparing yourself to other writers!
Now you’re probably thinking, “Well, Joy, that’s easier said than done.” And you would be right. It is easier said than done - but it can be done.
Here are some practical tips to overcoming envy and embracing your own unique path as a writer:
3. Remind yourself why you continue to write this one story
Let’s face it: It is indeed very hard to stay focused on one story. I’m sure you know that by now, fellow writer. So I want you to ask yourself this question: Why am I still writing this one story?
And I want you to really ask yourself. Don’t leave this question unanswered. Don’t skip this step.
Is it because you love the theme? Perhaps your message is full of truths you’re passionate about. Is it because these characters have captured your attention so completely that you can’t rest until you finish their story? Or perhaps you just know in your heart that this story is one the world needs.
More often than not, if you truly love a story enough to hold onto it this long, you find that you love everything about the story, not just a few things.
Or maybe after asking yourself this question, you find that you really don’t love everything about this story, and you’re only writing it out of a sense of obligation to finish what you’ve started. In this case, it’s important to know when to let go. If you’re not passionate about this story and you’re not having fun working on it, chances are that readers will pick up on that and become disinterested themselves.
(Note: I don’t mean that writing a story you love will always be one hundred percent fun and games - it certainly won’t be. What I do mean is that ultimately, a writer should take joy in their work, because God wants us to take joy in the gifts He has given us.)
Personally, I have considered giving up on my story many times. But each time I think of giving up, I find that I just can’t. I know I’m called to write this story. I know the world needs it. I know it’s not only the story that really matters to me, it’s the story that really matters to God. I love everything about it with my whole heart and soul, and it’s impossible for me to give it up.
If you feel the same way, you’ll know it’s worth it to continue working on this story, no matter how long it may take. Keep repeating to yourself, “This is worth it,” and use that to encourage yourself when you feel like giving up.
On the other hand, don’t feel guilty if you find that you don’t truly love what you’re working on. Move on. You’ll find the story of your heart.
The most important thing will always be that we as writers love and cherish our God-given gift of words. If you do, you’re on the right track, and ask God to help you continue faithfully on it.
4. Combat your insecurities with God’s promises.
Have you noticed how so many of our difficulties in life stem from insecurity? I believe it’s the same way with our writing. Often the reason we have trouble staying focused on one story is because we are insecure.
Here’s what you can do to combat insecurities:
Writer, you have the gift of words in your heart and soul. Keep the faith even when the going gets rough. You’ll make it! When in doubt, remember that many other writers (including myself) are exactly where you are right now, and you’re not alone.
Remember, also, that if you need to step away from a certain project or from writing in general for a little while, that’s totally okay. In fact, it’s healthy. I encourage you to take a step back when you’re feeling especially overwhelmed, and use that time to spend in prayer and thought with God. In the end, deepening our relationship with the greatest Author of all is what will help us stay committed to any writing endeavor.
To summarize, here are the four pieces of advice we covered!
1. Don't just disregard other story ideas that come to you
2. Don't compare your progress to the progress of other writers
3. Remind yourself why you continue to write this one story
4. Combat your insecurities with God's promises
I really hope this article was helpful and encouraging to you!
Blessings as you continue on your writing journey.
Have you ever been tempted to give up on a story? How did you combat the temptation and continue to persevere? Share your experience below!
Joy Caroline Woodbury
Joy Caroline Woodbury is a sixteen-year-old Seventh-Day Adventist Christian and scribe of Biblical fiction and inspirational nonfiction. She loves Jesus, St. Paul, the family of Christ, theology, and tiramisu. Her goal is to become a pastor and adoptive mother, bring joy and light through her books, and keep on learning in the school of life (because she’s got lots to learn!). She is founder of the Christ-centered encouragement community, Discipleship with Joy. Join her there for fun, faith, writerly things, a bit of rambling, and opera glasses into her journey!
As someone who loves starting new stories, this article is so so helpful. I’ve read this article a few times and each time I read it I get more compelled to write. All the points are so motivating!
Thank you, Kathleen! I’m so glad the post could be encouraging for you!
Joy, this article was wonderful!!! And it came at just the right time for me!!
I’m really struggling with my books right now, because I just finished book one in a series and really need to start on book two, but at the same time, I looove this other book that came to me a year ago, when I was still writing my other book. I’m trying to figure out if I should juggle the books, or get this stand-alone (probably) out of my system before I go back to my series. Any advice would be welcomed XD
Thank you so much, Daisy!
Hmm, yeah, I’m working on a series too, so I relate. I remember reading on Go Teen Writers that once you finish a book, you should take a break for six weeks. Maybe you should consider taking six weeks or a bit more away from your series and work on your new idea. I think that after finishing book one, you should be allowed to reward yourself, and that sounds like a great way to do it!
Thank you so much for this article!! This topic is something that I particularly struggle with, and the tips you gave were very helpful! 🙂
I’m delighted that you enjoyed it, Madelyn! Happy writing.
I’m delighted that you enjoyed it, Madelyn! Happy writing.
Thank you for all the great tips! I’d never thought of it this way before.
You’re welcome, Rachel!
If I am allowed to ask, Joy, why are you a seventh day adventist?