By Daeus Lamb
Grab a paper and pencil, because this isn't an article you can just read and ignore. Instead, you'll be forced to examine yourself and identify what's hindering you from writing the book you dream about. Because, let's face it, most of us haven't achieved our aspirations. We’re in despair because our writing style hasn't sharpened quickly enough or because we’re unable to finish a draft.
We're in trouble. We need a breakthrough—which can be accomplished by training ourselves to detect and destroy obstacles that might be holding us back. But first we must address the core issue.
What's Your Long-Term Vision?
If you can't define why you're a writer or what your goals are, you’ll lack motivation, and the rest of this article won't matter. Knowing your desired destination will help you navigate toward it and determine what to sacrifice along the way.
You'll need to boldly confront yourself. Carefully jot down your answers to these questions:
- In one sentence, what is the chief reason you write?
- How broad do you want your scope to be? Are you writing to organize your thoughts, reach millions of readers, or something in between?
- What do you hope to accomplish in readers' lives? Provide quality entertainment that teaches valuable lessons? Share the gospel? Encourage other Christians to grow? All these missions can coexist, but one will be your main thrust depending on your target audience.
- How much income do you wish to earn as an author?
- How do you want to personally mature through writing? By strengthening your dependence on God? Your empathy for others? Your communication skills?
- How much time do you intend to spend writing each day (balancing realism with idealism)?
- How much does it mean to you to become a writer?
- What basic timeline do you have in mind for your author career? How do you hope to progress or change over the years and at what intervals?
Now that you’ve pinpointed your objective, you can work on eliminating obstructions in your path. Every breakthrough will take effort, so it's important to weigh how much you can reasonably give of yourself.
Barrier #1: Not Getting Feedback
Nothing is as inexcusable for a writer as trying to go solo. I realize many of us are shy and don't like to ask for help, but we need it, and it's biblical (Proverbs 15:22).
Everyone has a unique perspective, so the more people providing input on your writing, the better. One simple method is to arrange a critique exchange, which is when two writers agree to critique each other's manuscripts for free. As long as you have the time, this is a win-win situation. Another option is to ask friends and family to donate their time to review your book. This might sound like begging, but many of your friends and family will want you to beg from them. They want to read your book. The worst they can do is say no (unless you have an insane uncle who totes a shotgun with him everywhere). Finally, you can hire an editor. Yes, editors do cost money, but editing is their profession, so they're more likely to excel at it.
Breakthrough strategy: Be aggressive in recruiting people to assist you with your writing. Laziness is not allowed. Seek and you will find.
Barrier #2: Receiving Inadequate Feedback
Perhaps you have nine beta readers and a professional editor, but you still feel like you're stuck in a boring writing style. What's happening? Aren't ten advisors enough?
Not all feedback is equal. Maybe you don't realize your counselors are subpar because you've never seen what a proficient editor/beta reader looks like. Just because Uncle Bob isn't a huge fan of your writing doesn't mean he’ll give you pointed advice on how to revise your novel. He just won't sweet talk you. Just because Max the editor charges money for his services doesn't automatically make him the best editor ever. He just charges a fee for his services.
Here's how to tell whether you're getting constructive feedback: a great editor or beta reader will increase your knowledge of the writing craft. Every counselor needn't be this exceptional, but one or two should. What you truly need is a writing coach. A normal counselor might show you what you need to repair, but a writing coach will teach you why you need to fix it and how to conquer the problem once and for all. A writing coach is someone who is more advanced at writing than you (at least in many areas) and is deeply invested in you.
You find a writing coach the same way you gather your other counselors. You may need to keep your eyes open and try various people out. Also, be sure to practice the golden rule. If you are able, be a writing coach to others. They'll appreciate it.
Breakthrough strategy: Enlist one or two people to be your personal trainers throughout your writing journey.
Barrier #3: Never Finishing a Project
I've interacted with several writers who all suffer from a brain full of story ideas that never come to fruition. Although I haven't personally encountered this predicament, I suspect lack of planning is the root cause.
A writer starts a story because it seems promising, but then inspiration peters out. The writer chases another butterfly that appears absolutely glorious until it fades, and so on and so forth. The issue isn't that the writer keeps forming more interesting ideas, it's that none of the ideas are strong enough to morph into a full story. These writers don't know how to map out a novel in advance so it will succeed.
To survive a novel, you must start with a plan. Every writer approaches outlining differently than his compatriots, but some basic factors to consider are: Do you have an outline that covers all your story’s major events? Are you familiar with your characters' motivations? Do you comprehend how to write riveting characters in general? Nailing down these three elements will usually supply enough steam to go from start to finish with a novel.
Breakthrough strategy: Outline your story beforehand and be sure you have a solid grasp of story craft. The better writer you are, the less that can impede your story.
Barrier #4: Thinking You're Incapable of the Task
The easiest way to lose is to give up. The fastest route to nowhere is to never move. And the biggest precursor to failure is to believe you’re unequipped.
I was not a natural-born writer. When I was fourteen, I was assigned to write a short story, and my finished product wasn't any better than the other students' (it was pathetic). Since then, I've improved a lot. But I'm not a genius. Most writers aren't. The only qualities that make writers great are their passion and method of advancing their skills. If you have passion, you're almost set. Method is how you squeeze the most out of your time and effort, your beta readers, and the books you read.
However, I realize it's possible to sense you have potential, yet still feel that you can't be a noteworthy writer. I experience this with every book I write. When self-doubt creeps in, take a step back. A large step. Survey your life in general. Ponder whether you define yourself as a writer. If you do, you're being idolatrous. What should define you is that you are a child of God. Are you willing to face what God hands you, even if you have to cope with a never-ending struggle to write one draft? What if you died in a nuclear blast and never had any fans? Would you be at peace with that? Get that straight first. Once you understand that you don't need to succeed, you'll ironically be much more apt to do so. Next, pray for guidance. Second, seek encouragement. Third, pursue mentorship. Fourth, reignite your first love—embrace what gives you joy in writing. Joy produces strength and strength carries you to victory.
Joy and victory are often reaped through fellowship with others. Yeah, newsflash. You aren't the center of the universe. Join a writing group or endure the consequences. Our KP forum is the best writing community ever.
Breakthrough strategy: YOU CAN DO THIS. A task may be difficult, but that doesn't mean you're a loser. Also, be humble about your writing and connect with a writers' community ASAP.
Barrier #5: Feeling Apathetic to Your Story Idea
This is similar to the problem of never finishing a story, except the writer doesn't even start. Writers with this weakness are typically more honest with themselves. They’re aware that they aren't attached to an idea enough to plod through an entire novel, so they don't bother wasting the time. This obviously leads to failure.
Again, this indicates either insufficient planning or understanding. Once you develop a detailed outline for your novel that attracts you, it ought to energize you to persevere to the end. If it doesn't, you probably don't know enough about professional storytelling. If you did, you would be able to invent solid story ideas without trouble. The solution here is simple: read books by expert writers like How to Structure Your Novel and The Anatomy of Story. Dig deep and you’ll unearth gold.
Breakthrough strategy: Study your craft more.
How to Pursue Your Goal
Return to the paper you filled out at the beginning of this article. How important is writing to you? Why do you write? What do you hope to achieve? If writing is merely a fun, inconsequential hobby, maybe it’s okay for you to be a mediocre writer. If writing is a crucial aspect of your life though, you need to treat it like it is. It's up to you to prioritize your writing, but here are a few time-management tips:
- Dedicate time to writing every day—even if it's only for ten minutes before breakfast. This builds discipline, which helps you write faster and even when you don't want to.
- Set attainable but challenging goals with rewards and/or punishments for completion/nonperformance.
- Generally avoid instant gratification and train yourself to cling to long-term gratification. Be brutal with yourself. Take zero desserts from the potluck this year. Stop playing video games completely. Exercise. Read your Bible daily. These habits will transfer well to your writing life.
- Abandon social media permanently. Social media sucks in my opinion. Before I get stoned, there are legitimate reasons to participate in social media, but you must analyze the costs versus the benefits first. Is it as valuable as you think it is?
- Don't enroll in college just because it's standard procedure. That's not a valid reason. To make an informed decision, consider the advantages, financial costs, and alternatives. Some of you may be better off spending four years building your author career than four years and thousands of dollars on college.
- Watch fewer movies. That is, only if you watch several already. Movies are fun, but also long. For every film you watch, you could write a short chapter instead. Eye opening, huh?
Go Forth and Write
Take one final look at the vision statement you wrote at the beginning of this article. Is it still your dream? If so, commit to it right now. Your vision might alter in the future, but you need an objective to aim for to move forward.
How has this article changed you? Have you planned out your next breakthrough yet? Share in the comments below!
Great article, Daeus. 🙂 I probably struggle with #3 the most. I have tons of unfinished “stories” that I’ve begun to write, but never finished, because…I see another “butterfly” 😉
I’m looking forward to implementing some of the breakthrough strategies and time management tips. 🙂
I think that’s the main problem for most percieving writers. One small strategy that can help is to incorporate those butterflies into the book you’re currently working on. For instance, let’s say your MC was an orphan and then you get the idea to write a story about a family working on a quest together. Well, maybe you could get the orphan to team up with a family.
Ooo. Thanks for the great strategy. 😀
I have no words for how excellent this is. Thank you so much.
One thing I’ve learned about plot butterflies, my fellow perceiving writers, is to let them settle down in the back of your mind and not worry about them. Stay focused. Ninety nine percent of the time, an idea you shelved three months ago will pop up in the middle of a random brainstorming session and click into a larger picture perfectly.
Also, don’t be afraid to chuck ideas. Especially as you grow in experience, you’ll be able to tell which ideas are simply ‘cool’ and which really have potential. Ideas that I would have snapped up a year ago are now getting thrown out the window without a second thought because I know from experience when a butterfly has potential or is merely flashy seen through rosy glasses.
As for myself… *peruses article again* I probably struggle most with #4. Really just about half the time I’m simply overwhelmed with how small I am compared to how big everything else is. It’s certainly a good garden for humility. 😛 Maintaining perspective though… humble, not insecure, and confident, not arrogant… yeah. It can be tricky at times.
Thanks Kate for sharing those tips!! 😀
Okay, you guys have to tell me your secret…How does KP always know EXACTLY what I need to hear and when and how I need to hear it?! 😆
Seriously though, five stars for this. Lending me some Type 3 power. *fistbump* 😜
We have a partnership with Google to give us all your data so we can algorithmically decide what people need to hear. No, actually, I don’t know how we do it. 😛 Was that an enneagram reference, btw?
😳 Zikers. Nothing is safe.
Google, you traitor!! 😛
And yeppers, it was. Because I just can’t talk to anyone without bringing up psychology. *sigh* It’s sad really. 😆
This article has some great points! 🙂 I especially like the part about college. A lot of people seem to go just because everyone else does and then they have debt they can’t pay. And really, most jobs don’t actually require a college education unless you intend to perform an operation on somebody. College has its benefits, but I personally think anyone can teach themselves if they have enough time, energy, books, and imagination.
So true, Mariposa!! 😀
🙂 Yes, very true. If you have a moment, you should definitely watch this satire about college.
I personally think college would be a fun experience, but writing is especially one of those professions where I think four years of experience is way more valuable than four years of study. (plus it’s cheaper)
Thanks for the link! Another reason not to go to college (for me anyway) is all that socializing would probably kill me. 😉
I’m with Gracie. Did you…telepathically read my mind as you were writing this, Daeus? *shudders* I’ve struggled with all of these at some point. And I’m still struggling with most of them.
Great article.
No telepathy here. But I did know this was an article that would help a lot of people.
I needed to read this.
This probably one of the better writing articles I’ve read in a while; nice work! I can relate to a majority of these in some way or another. I would only argue the movie point– a well-written movie can be just as beneficial to you as a well-written book, so wouldn’t it be better not merely watch fewer movies, but, rather, to watch fewer _bad_ movies?
That’s a good point. I do think one tends to be more mentally engaged in a book, but that’s not a big factor. I think it’s mainly a balance thing. If you’re watching 3 movies a week, I think it would lead to a better overall life to watch only 2 a week and write an extra book. People can read too many books though as well. If you read three hours of fiction a day, just reading two isn’t going to hurt you and you’ll feel much better having been more productive at the end of the year.
It’s all about opportunity cost… and using math to calculate the opportunity cost. 😉
Hi Daeus. I’m curious, what are you referring to by abandoning social media? Clearly you’re not encouraging people to give up all online interactions, because a lot of writing groups will take place online (and over Facebook? Goodreads? Other social media platforms I haven’t thought of?). At the same time you are most clearly encouraging people to give up some online interactions. 😉 Where do you draw the line?
Also, thank you for this article—I’ve written down answers to the Long-Term Vision section for myself and recorded your strategies and recommendations. Recently I’ve been thinking about my author vision, so this came at a great time. 😀
Great question, Matthew. I’m actually on Facebook myself just because the KP staff has a facebook group on there where we bring up issues and victories and discuss them. Deciding where to draw the line is all about taking a step back and evaluating your social media use through a cost benefit analysis. It’s easy to justify social media use because there are some real benefits to it, but you must balance this against what you’re missing out on and what other options you have. I believe most social media use is not well thought through. As far as writing groups, it’s important to be part of one, but I wouldn’t recommend joining a facebook group because there are so many ways to get distracted. An online forum or a physical support group would be much better. There are other much better sources for everything on social media. News? Podcasts. Education? Blogs, courses, books. So basically, social media isn’t evil, it’s just sub par. Avoid it when you can.
This was a really great article Daeus, I took your course…wow. Thank you so so so so much, I was so lost at to where to start…in fact I had gone through almost four unfinished projects and now on my fifth I found this course. You made it possible for me to realistically work on my idea and start to expand it into something decent and professional. As my family knows nothing about writing, it was hard for me as a child to get into writing. I knew I always wanted to write but I was at loss as to where to start and plagued by insecurity because I KNEW I was lacking certain skills. Long story short, God lead me here and I am so thankful to you guys at kingdom pen because without this course I would have still been very stuck and lost.
My heart may have swelled with joy just a tiny bit at that comment. 😉 I’m so glad you found us. Writing is a hard life to live and the community is vital.
Thanks so much for this article! It was super encouraging to see you so seamlessly merge my writer life and spiritual life. I have perhaps been too afraid of leaving my first book until it is completely written, but I just got serious about it at the beginning of this year when the Young Writers Workshop opened up. I haven’t really struggled with perusing other stories (though my current one is completely unrecognizable from what it was when I started), I do struggle with another problem: now that I have that plan you were talking about, I almost feel like my story is completed and my job is done! I am bookmarking this article to redirect myself when I start loosing the inspiration to finish :). Thanks again!
Yeah, if you’re a Christian you can’t escape your spiritual life no matter what you do.
So you are able to come up with a plan for your story, but then it feels complete to you at that point? Like it doesn’t excite you anymore? I don’t know if I’ve met anyone like that before. My only suggestions would be that, when you start the first draft, push yourself to go deeper. There’s always deeper parts of your character or your setting that can be explored.
Anyway, keep trying! I’m glad to hear you’re feeling reinvigorated. Writing is fun!
ouch this was a bit of a spank. very good though! mostly I’m guilty of everything here ….
Most people are at some point.