Hello Kingdom Pen!
As many of you know, Kingdom Pen began as a free E-Magazine over four years ago (you can download the last issue we created from the home page). Since then, the Kingdom Pen ministry has grown considerably. However, as we grew, the cost of creating the free E-Mag increased dramatically, so we had to suspend the creation of magazine issues.
Now, we are considering bringing the magazine back, but only if you want it. The KP Staff would really appreciate it if you would take the time to answer our short 4-question survey to help us know where we should go in the future.
The last survey we created, concerning KP Radio, helped us a lot, and we are very thankful for your answers! Your responses were overwhelmingly positive, and we are gradually working toward making podcasts and live radio shows available. Now we are asking for your help again. Do you want the Magazine back? What what you like the Magazine to include? What about other KP Merchandise? Please let us know in the survey, and in the comments if you have anything else you’d like to say or suggest.
Thank you so much!
Create your own user feedback survey
Sorry, but I don’t even really know what an emag is… I am completely clueless when it comes to even the most basic technology. I figured I had better ask before I took the survey, just in case I wasn’t understanding everything I should to give my opinion honestly. Thanks!
Hello Kate!
Thank you for asking! The Kingdom Pen E-mag is a pdf of awesome material that hasn’t yet been published on the website (I believe) containing helpful articles, engrossing stories, beautiful poems, and other neat things. And just like any other magazine, there will be advertisements of other ministries, a variety of businesses, and other resources.
Hope this helps!
Jessica Boyer, Director of Marketing
Yes it does— thank you so much, Jessica! I make it a rule to be well informed about anything I am asked my opinion on, and I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.
I did the survey! 😀 It would be wonderful if you brought the emag back! 😀 It would be super fun to enter the contest for a t-shirt quote. 🙂 Would the winner also receive their shirt?
I was wondering when you would be announcing the winner for the short story contest…thanks!
How do you take the survey?