Ah, the classics. From the Odyssey to Romeo and Juliet, these books have been stables of fiction for...
KP Updates Articles
New KP Article Contest! – The Library of Lost Memories
All stories come from memories, do they not?A memory of a story you read 5 years...
Dragon Slayer Article Contest Winners!
The day has finally come. After four long months, countless dragons slain and articles written, it's finally time to...
November 2021 Theme of the Month + Dragon Slayer Contest Update
Announcing Dragon Slayer Article Contest!
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm so excited to announce... The Dragon Slayer Article Contest!Share your knowledge and...
June 2021 Theme of the Month!
And so.... once again another month passes, and a new month begins. We wrapped up our last theme of the month,...
May 2021 Kingdom Pen Theme of the Month
January 2021 Theme of the Month
Happy New Year KeePers of Pen! I hope your year so far has been filled with lots of writing, good books, and big mugs...
Merry Christmas from Kingdom Pen!
Join Us On Our Quest to Build a Better Kingdom for Christian Writers
Do you need help on your writing journey?If so, we at Kingdom Pen want to help...
December 2020 Theme of the Month
2020 is coming to an end, and December is already upon us. So what will Kingdom Pen be covering in December? I'm glad...
November 2020 Theme of the Month
New month, new theme! What all will we be covering on the blog this November? Well, Kingdom Pen is all about...