Articles Articles

What if No One Likes My Book?

By R.M. ArcherWe all have a voice of doubt in the back of our minds that whispers lies like “No one will like your writing” or “This isn’t what anyone wants to read these days” or “You’ll never be good enough.” Your Voice of Doubt might sound slightly different...

How to Prioritize Your Writing

By Rachel Leitch   Raise your hand if you’ve ever said these words. “I don’t have time to write.” (For the record, I’m raising both hands and both feet.) We know our writing is important. We love doing it. We get a unique sense of enjoyment when we’re sitting at...

How to use History to Strengthen Your Novel

By Daisy Torres    *A sparkling whirlwind of words appears before you. Majestic music seems to come from the whirlwind. The winds cease and you see me, crunching away on a bag of potato chips.*Oh -- hi there! I...

Is Writing a Waste of Time?

By R.M. ArcherMaybe relatives or friends question whether writing is “a real job.” Or maybe you simply hear your own voice in your head asking whether it’s really worth writing instead of doing any number of other things, or whether it really matters that your story...