Articles Articles

4 Things to Remember When Your Writing Feels Unoriginal

Have you ever feared, dear writer, that your work isn’t original? I know I have. It’s so easy, especially whilst in the dreaded middle section of one’s book, to cast a jaded look over one’s manuscript and see nothing but flaws. Every scene feels like it’s been...

Beyond Banter: 4 Tips for Writing Hilarious Dialogue

By L.E. Williams Writing humorous dialogue is hard. Hang on—I can pare that down a bit. “Writing dialogue is hard.” Hmm…still too long. Hang on, let me just grab my eraser, and…ah yes. “Writing is hard.”  There. Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back, dear...

How to Write A Memorable (Not Infamous) Comic Relief Character

By Allison GraceQuick show of hands. Who else thinks Jar Jar Binks is a terrible comic relief character? Ah, that’s what I thought. Most of you agree. (And those of you who don’t, no hard feelings.)So why exactly is he annoying? And why do most comic relief...

5 Popular Mistakes with Comic Relief Characters and How To Fix Them

By Chelsea HindleComic Relief Characters, we love them. At least, sometimes we love them. They make us laugh, they break the tension, they make the fight scene more fun. But other times, we find them cringe-worthy and annoying,...