We are thrilled to announce the launch of not one, not two, but three creative writing groups exclusively designed for...
Articles Articles
How to Ruin Your Sequel in 7 Easy Steps
By Rachel Leitch By A Concerned Sequel Destroyer You’ve finished your first book or film or whatever it was you were...
Book Proposal Demystified – How to Write a Book Proposal for Fiction
Free Ways to Edit and Proofread Your Novel Manuscript
By Grace A. JohnsonWhenever someone mentions editing and editors, y’all know...
How to Pants – Successfully Write a Novel Without an Outline
By Grace A. Johnson Most of y’all know that I’m a diehard pantser. I can’t help but wing my stories, jumping...
3 Lessons I Learned as a Young Writer
By Grace A. Johnson Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Grace A. Johnson, and I’m a homeschooled junior who first...
Debunking Negative Opinions of Pride and Prejudice
Classic vs Modern Literature – Strengths and Weaknesses
By R.M. ArcherFive years ago, I balked at the idea of reading classic literature. Well, except Lord of the Rings or...
How Little Women Pulled off a Love Triangle That Works
By Rachel Leitch Was Little Women the first example of a ship war?Quick definition (in case you’re like me and...
Little Women – The Secret to Being Timeless
The Ultimate Guide to Punctuation in Dialogue
By Rachel Leitch I love grammar. I’ve loved studying it ever since I was in middle school. Sometimes I hunt...
What To Look for When Editing Your novel
By Rachel Leitch Allow yourself the time to celebrate. I mean, you’ve finished drafting a novel! That’s a huge...