by kingdompen | Feb 2, 2015 | Contests & Opportunities, News
Yes! Kingdom Pen is back with another writing contest! This time, you could win up to $100! The great thing is, you probably have your contest entry already written! This is a “Begin Your Novel” contest, where Kingdom Pen will be choosing the best novel...
by kingdompen | Oct 5, 2014 | Articles, Characters
I am now the bemused owner of a hedgehog. He belonged to my manager and was the “clinic hedgehog.” But the veterinarian life didn’t suit him well, so he was replaced with two guinea pigs. His name is Quigley. Cup your hands together and the little...
by kingdompen | Sep 2, 2014 | Articles
Historical fiction is one of the largest genres out there. Book topics span from scarcely heard about events to World War Two and Civil war-era fiction. In such a big market, it’s hard to really set yourself apart. What do some of the most successful historical...
by kingdompen | Jun 3, 2014 | Articles, Mission & Calling, Theme
As Christians, all of us likely have some message we are trying to actively communicate in our writing. And those of us who are not actively trying to communicate a message still can’t keep their worldview from slipping into their work. As Douglas Wilson writes in...
by kingdompen | May 24, 2014 | Articles, Plot
We writers are like tightrope walkers. We can do beginnings and endings just fine, but when we get to the middle, things get a little wobbly. Most of us, anyway. If you’re one of those rare individuals who can churn out brilliant middle sections with grace and ease,...