by kingdompen | Mar 13, 2015 | Contests & Opportunities, News
Begin Your Novel Contest Update! I’m sure many of you have been anxiously awaiting the results of the Begin Your Novel writing contest. I am here to inform you that we have completed the first round of judging! We received more submissions than we had anticipated...
by kingdompen | Mar 5, 2015 | KP Updates, News
Since Kingdom Pen was created over four years ago, we have always accepted articles, poems, and short story submissions for publication in the eMag and on our website. Pretty soon, we will also begin accepting submissions for serial novels to be published on our...
by kingdompen | Mar 2, 2015 | Poetry
By: Cherise Taylor I Know What She Dreamed Marie sits with one nurse at an empty table. The uniformed woman with the clothes pin smile holds out a forkful of eggs and tells her to “open up”. Marie doesn’t listen. She makes a frustrated barking sound, the only noise...
by kingdompen | Feb 11, 2015 | Articles, Ethics
When you think of the fantasy genre, three things probably quickly come to mind: swords, elves, and magic. And it’s the latter that can become a problem for the Christian writer. We’ve all probably read, or are at least familiar with, the passages in Leviticus and...
by kingdompen | Feb 9, 2015 | Contests & Opportunities, News
The contest is open! The opening of a story is one of the most important parts of any novel. Readers today are impatient and if your story doesn’t grab them right from the start, they might not stick around for when “it starts to get good.” We...