by kingdompen | Mar 23, 2015 | Articles, Characters, Ethics
This post is a collaboration of thoughts from the KP Team, building off of part 1. How should the Christian writer handle the prospect of female characters in combat? Strength comes down to how well someone or something fulfills the purpose it was created for. Men...
by kingdompen | Mar 20, 2015 | Contests & Opportunities, News
Kingdom Pen is proud to announce the FIRST PLACE winner of our Begin Your Novel contest! Congratulations, Brenna Stross! Her entry, Dying Dreams: Score: 85 The smallest coffins are the heaviest, always the heaviest. Nothing compares to carrying an innocent...
by kingdompen | Mar 19, 2015 | Contests & Opportunities, News
Kingdom Pen is proud to announce the second place winner of our Begin Your Novel contest! Congratulations, J. Tobias Buller! His entry, Chromeheads: Score: 81 The first time I met Stelle deBlothe, she was dead. No, I’m serious. Here I was, the...
by kingdompen | Mar 18, 2015 | Contests & Opportunities, News
Kingdom Pen is proud to announce the third place winner of our Begin Your Novel contest! Congratulations, Aimee Meester! Her entry, untitled: Score: 79 Sachi Tagaskri had exactly one more day to live, and she was decidedly unhappy about it. Dying...
by kingdompen | Mar 16, 2015 | Contests & Opportunities, News
At last, the results are in, and we have our finalists and winners! Over the course of the week, we will be counting down to our first place finisher. Tonight, however, we are sharing the names of those who finished in the top 10 through 4. I personally want to thank...