by kingdompen | May 7, 2015 | News
Our second installment in our KP Critiques series!This critique comes from Sophia and her novel Sola Fide.Sola FideShe would that he would die.His thickset chest heaved in her peripheral and his breath rasped like a coin in a coffer. She glanced out the latticed...
by kingdompen | May 4, 2015 | News
Another installment of “Your Questions: Answered!” send us your writing questions with the subject line “Question for the Panel” and we will publish our answers here! Question: I have a question. How do you identify a theme in...
by kingdompen | May 1, 2015 | KP Updates, News
Hello Kingdom Pen! It is a new month, which means a new writing theme! For this month, we will be focusing on characterization and relationships. To give you some ideas for what articles you could write, here are some questions you might want to try and answer. How...
by kingdompen | Apr 25, 2015 | News
Kingdom Pen is so excited to release our very first KP Spotlight! It is so neat getting to know you better! We hope you enjoy this feature as much as we are! Thank you Dani M for agreeing to share a little bit about yourself with us. Kingdom Pen: Tell us a little bit...
by kingdompen | Apr 24, 2015 | Articles, Characters, Theme
Perhaps one of the most difficult things to depict in Christian fiction is a realistic conversion. You wouldn’t necessarily know that from the number of times they happen in Christian fiction. But a lot of the time, when a conversion is attempted, I can’t help but be...