by kingdompen | Jun 26, 2015 | Articles, Encouragement
By Jessica Greyson Facing writers block can be one of the most difficult things that you face as a writer. It can creep up on us, or blindside us like a brick wall. But no matter how it comes upon you, it leaves you feeling like you’re stranded on a deserted...
by kingdompen | Jun 22, 2015 | Articles, Encouragement
By Amy Bohannan Writer’s block. We’ve all been there at some point or another. (Some of us more than others.) Lists have been written of ways that we can overcome. Step by step lists, bullet pointed lists, check marked lists—too many ways to overcome...
by kingdompen | Jun 18, 2015 | Articles, Encouragement
By Hope Schmidt The battles of life take many shapes and sizes, and writing is no exception. Glaring plot holes, inconsistent characters, and tangled timelines oppose the author in their turn. And then there’s writer’s block. Surrounding us with a confusing mist of...
by kingdompen | Jun 16, 2015 | News
We are so excited to bring you our second KP Spotlight, this one featuring a KP subscriber who was a finalist in our Begin Your Novel contest, J. Tobias Buller. Enjoy! Kingdom Pen: Tell us a little bit about yourself. What are three interesting facts? J....
by kingdompen | Jun 9, 2015 | KP Updates, News
Hello Kingdom Pen! As many of you know, Kingdom Pen began as a free E-Magazine over four years ago (you can download the last issue we created from the home page). Since then, the Kingdom Pen ministry has grown considerably. However, as we grew, the cost of...