by kingdompen | May 10, 2022 | Characters, Plot, Romance
By Rachel Leitch Was Little Women the first example of a ship war?Quick definition (in case you’re like me and didn’t know): A ship war is when fans of a movie or book are divided on their opinions of which character should end up with the love interest.No matter...
by kingdompen | May 6, 2022 | Characters, Plot
By Rachel Leitch This is the story of how one Rachel Leitch joined the ranks of girls and boys across the generations who had fallen in love with a particular novel: Little Women by Lousia May Alcott.It all began with an illustrated children’s version of the...
by kingdompen | May 2, 2022 | Contests & Opportunities, Short Stories
I Need To Know by UnsungIt had been a hard day. Too hard, in fact. The kids at school had been too loud, too judgemental, too quick to hurl insults on each other and especially on me. My co-workers had been too impatient, the customers too accusing. Now I was...
by kingdompen | Apr 29, 2022 | Contests & Opportunities
With the change of time comes the change of books.In the last hundred years, countless of monumental books have been written. Learning from the successes and failures of their predecessors, it feels like stories have really taken on a new life in the past hundred...
by kingdompen | Apr 22, 2022 | KP Spotlights
You may know her from her articles, her poems, or even from the forum. It's the one and only Daisy Torres! You know the drill, 15 questions 15 answers. But heads up! There are some controversial opinions in this interview that may or may not deal with...