by kingdompen | Jul 23, 2015 | Articles, Encouragement
By Amy Bohannan We all know the old adage, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” As we ponder the events of history, literary works versus wars fought, which has the greater, lasting impact? While the sword or bullet cuts deep into the flesh, the...
by kingdompen | Jul 21, 2015 | Articles, Characters
OR: Why the Problem of Over-Powered, Perfect Characters Is Not That They are Too Powerful But That They Have Ill-Defined Limits We’ve all read that book or seen that movie that exhibits this negative trope: of the hero who just can’t be killed no matter what the odds....
by kingdompen | Jul 20, 2015 | Articles, Encouragement
As a Christian writer, my writing is a gift to be used by the Lord, so when times of writer’s block come, I feel like my stories are useless and I’ve wasted my time on the parts I’ve already completed. But in these cases, I’m learning to use certain tools in order to...
by kingdompen | Jul 15, 2015 | Contests & Opportunities, News
Hello Kingdom Pen! We have another contest for you, although this one does not involve sending in a writing submission. Win a FREE T-Shirt! Kingdom Pen is in the process of developing KP Merchandise (T-shirts, Mugs, Pens, ect.) to be added to the Kingdom...
by kingdompen | Jul 14, 2015 | Articles, Plot
Quick. What’s your first reaction when you hear that the “littlest” members of the family are coming to spend some time at your house? For some of us, it may not be excitement. It means no computer time and an indefinite number of little kids to...