by kingdompen | Oct 6, 2015 | Contests & Opportunities, News
Hey everyone! We have a new contest for you! For this contest, you will be tasked with writing the lyrics to a song. What it is about and how long is up to you! The winner(s) will be chosen by Tom and Jo, two musicians from the backwoods of the northern Connecticut...
by kingdompen | Oct 6, 2015 | KP Updates, News
Regarding Kingdom Pen Radio Hey all,We just wanted to give a brief word concerning the current status of Kingdom Pen Radio. The particular podcasts that have been presented here as Kingdom Pen Radio have undergone a name change to more accurately reflect their unique...
by kingdompen | Sep 30, 2015 | News
We give you our tenth installment of KP Critiques! We greatly appreciate the willingness of our subscribers to subject their work underneath our editor’s scrutiny. While critiques are necessary and greatly beneficial, it’s never easy to put your work out...
by kingdompen | Sep 29, 2015 | Articles, Encouragement
And What to Do When You Run Into These Points Us writers can be a moody bunch at times. And so, in the process of writing a novel, there are several points in it when we’ll just want to give up and quit. For whatever the reason, the story just isn’t working...
by kingdompen | Sep 24, 2015 | Articles, Style
Sword fights are common elements in literature and drama. Everyone wants to include them because they rouse the audience to mountainous heights of tension. What if you have no idea how sword fighting works, though? Even worse, what if you deceive yourself into...