Book Reviews Now Accepted!

Book Reviews Now Accepted!

The last page has been turned and the final sentence read. You have to tell someone about this amazing book; the whole world should know! Today, Kingdom Pen is making that possible. KP isn’t global yet, but we are on the World Wide Web, which is close enough. ...
KP Critiques – 13

KP Critiques – 13

We are so delighted to be giving you the thirteenth edition of KP Critiques!! All of you amazing subscribers who have submitted your work for us to critique, THANK YOU!!! Through your courage you have provided us with substantial material, as well as aided in sharing...
Last Day To Enter Lyric Contest!

Last Day To Enter Lyric Contest!

The end of things is almost always sad. We’re sorry to see Summer go, but then the delightful season that follows is Pumpkin Spice Flavored Everything! Er, Autumn, I mean. Yes, Fall is ushered in on the wings of multicolored leaves, scarves, boots, and apple...
How Skeletons Can Help Your Story

How Skeletons Can Help Your Story

I view outlines as the dry bones of a book or article. The inner structure of a story, invisible and yet affecting the shape of the final work. Of course, sometimes these skeletons are larger and more detailed than others. And sometimes major bones are missing. When I...