by kingdompen | Oct 11, 2016 | KP Updates, News
Welcome, KeePers! When we posted about our new writing interns and director of marketing several weeks back, we thought that would be all the changes to the Kingdom Pen team for a while, but apparently God had different plans. As most of you probably know from our...
by kingdompen | Oct 10, 2016 | Poetry
By Adora Istrate A note. Chased by another. Harmonies drift to my ear, I’m craning my neck to hear more. I close my eyes. Color washes across my vision. Each streak, each picture, for each note, each chord. They dance together. Silence. My mind is an empty canvas....
by kingdompen | Oct 5, 2016 | Poetry
By Nathaniel Penning The monsters work behind her eyes, when she wakes they pop their claws, their shift won’t end until she cries, so they show her all her flaws. The monsters whisper, “Go to a mirror.” And she follows their direction, but the beast...
by kingdompen | Oct 3, 2016 | Articles, Plot
There are three kinds of foreshadowing. There’s covert foreshadowing, where the shadow doesn’t appear clearly until the light of past events illuminates the hidden clues. There’s overt foreshadowing, which streams before the event, giving hints but...
by kingdompen | Sep 30, 2016 | Short Stories
By Jackson Graham 1657 – Port Bristol, England “Those men attack ships and take their money—and kill the crew…” Jade dove behind the trunk, stopping his ears against the horror. These brutes killed sailors and innocents alike. He squeezed his eyes...