by kingdompen | Jan 4, 2017 | Poetry
By Kate Flournoy As You see, Lord, let me see. Teach my eyes Your sight. Teach my heart to comprehend Your sorrow through the night. Teach my eyes to see the tears Of shame and agony; And have compassion on the fears Of other beings like me. Let me see their broken...
by kingdompen | Dec 30, 2016 | Articles, Characters, Theme
Sometimes it’s not just the secular market that has problems with conversion scenes. Many conversions in Christian fiction are skipped over, viewed as boring, or actively avoided, because when someone attempts to write an “original” conversion story, it...
by kingdompen | Dec 28, 2016 | Poetry
By Christianna Hellwig Upon a windy slope of sand I saw a wizened preacher stand, And all his parched, cracked lips could form, Amidst that gust from taunting storm, Three words were those he said to me, “All is vanity.” His words like sighs were borne away With rays...
by kingdompen | Dec 26, 2016 | Articles, Theme
An enduring problem faces Christian writers who want to share their faith through their novels: if they include their faith in their books, it becomes “Christian” fiction. Christians read Christian fiction. Christians don’t need saved. Unsaved people read secular...
by kingdompen | Dec 21, 2016 | Poetry
By Ingrid Dornbirer The dagger of lies has pierced again, Nothing will console me. Unworthy, shameful, filthy, weak, I let their words control me. My eyes, they spill the tears of pain, As angry thoughts surround me. Will the eyes of love and truth Never search and...