by kingdompen | Mar 16, 2018 | Short Stories
Sam Kowal Tem stomped over a rocky outcropping and surveyed the camp in the crater below him. Half a dozen tents thrown in place around crooked frames. A row of ballistae next to a stack of tarped man-size spears. A dozen men, gathered around a blazing fire and...
by kingdompen | Mar 14, 2018 | Poetry
S.F. DekreelBeing autistic meansThat my mind is constantly spinning,Constantly clicking,Constantly asking questionsThat perhaps no one else would askStories are born fasterThan my mouth can speak,Than my hands can write,Than my racing mind can registerI’m at a...
by kingdompen | Feb 28, 2018 | Poetry
By Hannah CI am a tool in the Carpenter's shedMy perfect appearance has many misleadBut under my paint I'm starting to rustWhat good is a tool if its gathering dustI am a tool on the Carpenter's shelfIt's a rarity when I step out of myselfBut to be a success you have...
by kingdompen | Feb 26, 2018 | Articles, Characters
What’s worse than an unbelievable plot that breaks every rule of reality?An unrealistic character arc.From the first page, readers are zeroed in on your characters.They’re interesting, they’re unique, they’re dynamic, they’re practically real people… until they start...
by kingdompen | Feb 21, 2018 | Poetry
By KayleighAnne E. Stanton Death is not a parting place It doesn’t mean someone is gone Because if you held onto faith Your story’s just begun Death is not the final race There’s a longer round to go Another gift of the Savior’s grace And the mercy he bestowed Death...