by kingdompen | Dec 22, 2021 | Plot, Short Stories
By Rachel Leitch You’ve made it! You’ve set up your world and made your characters real in a very limited word count. You’ve let your character make both good and bad choices. You’ve created a small-scale catastrophe for a climax.And now it’s time to tie off all...
by kingdompen | Dec 17, 2021 | Articles, Short Stories
By R.M. Archer Short stories and novels are two different beasts. In practicing both you can learn things about writing short stories that apply to novel-writing, and vice versa, but you’ll also find that they have different strengths and weaknesses. Today I...
by kingdompen | Dec 13, 2021 | Plot, Short Stories
By Rachel Leitch Short stories can be intimidating despite their size.They seem so easy. They love to fool me that way. After all, they argue, they’re much shorter. Much less words and scenes and such to try to fill with brilliance.But once you dive in, I...
by kingdompen | Dec 10, 2021 | Plot, Short Stories
By Daisy TorresHello, Writers! Today’s article is simple. You see, I love reading story prompts, so I thought I’d write a few to share with y’all! With NaNoWriMo over, a lot of people will be searching for new story ideas, ways to escape the plot holes they’ve...
by kingdompen | Dec 6, 2021 | Encouragement, Short Stories
By R.M. Archer You’re a novelist. You thrive on long storylines and large casts… or maybe your word counts just have a tendency to get out-of-hand and you write long stories no matter how hard you try.But you’ve seen your author friends share short stories, or...