With My Song

  A poem reminding us that come what may, God is in control, and we can have peace in Him. – By Ashley Barr Why is my life going to pieces? Why is my world falling apart? Guilt and anger are clouding my mind, While mourning fills my heart. What have I done...
The Finish Line

The Finish Line

 Do you know what you’re aiming for?   By Kathryn Comstock ‘The End’ is one of the most exciting sentences for an author to pen. All the work and planning is over and you’ve finished. You’re at the finish line. But if you think about it, there are steps to...
Pursue Clarity in the Meaning of Your Novel

Pursue Clarity in the Meaning of Your Novel

By Kathryn Comstock It is happening in everything: school work, literature and even writing. Meaning is being systematically removed and instead, we’re told that “it’s all relative”. There’s no real meaning in anything. This is called deconstructionism. I heard an...