The One Year Adventure Novel Summer Workshop

Reclaiming Inspiration By Reagan Ramm I just returned from an amazing week at the One Year Adventure Novel summer writing workshop in Kansas, as did many of you. Learning about writing, talking about writing, and hanging out with other incredible writers…trying to...

You Will Watch Us Rise

Evil cannot kill the children of God. By Emily Cozzens   Ash clings to my skin Smoke stings my eyes The trees are just skeletons Blackened and dry   The chimney still stands Amidst the white ash And the small plume of smoke Is no longer black   As we wade through The...
Next Issue Has Arrived!

Next Issue Has Arrived!

If you haven’t already, make sure to check your email, because Kingdom Pen has just released our latest issue! Unique to this issue is a sneak peak of future improvements coming to Kingdom Pen, as well as the launching of a new section entitled “Your...
Attention Filmmakers! Kingdom Cinema Launched!

Attention Filmmakers! Kingdom Cinema Launched!

Watch “Seventh Seal”, the first film to be published by Kingdom Cinema! As of now, Kingdom Pen is no longer an entity solely devoted to the medium of writing. Thanks to the hard work of Daniel Thompson and others, Kingdom Cinema, a branch of Kingdom Pen...


As writers, we are all creators, mimicking the One who created us. Let us never forget that we are the greatest artistic works ever crafted, created to enjoy God, and glorify Him forever. – By Leanna Newby Paint. Living splotches of sympathy streaked across the...