by kingdompen | Apr 18, 2022 | Short Stories
by Rebekah Scott They came on the same exact day, every single year. I came to expect them and became quite fond of them. The boy and his younger sister had a special sibling relationship that was rare these days, and I...
by kingdompen | Apr 15, 2022 | Uncategorized
Greetings KeePers from the seas, mountains, and the scam circus that I hope has been burned to the ground down by now. I can't believe I wasted 3 whole golden coins, on a fake Davinci rip-off... Anyways, I'm not here to talk of my woes, I'm here for something...
by kingdompen | Apr 8, 2022 | KP Spotlights
It's been a while, the stage has been empty, but today we are turning the lights back on baby! Just in case you don't know what KP Spotlight is, it's where Kingdom Pen (who is me in this case) interviews a KeePer who has been a regular article writer for Kingdom Pen....
by kingdompen | Apr 4, 2022 | Contests & Opportunities, KP Updates
Ah, the classics. From the Odyssey to Romeo and Juliet, these books have been stables of fiction for generations. Whether you think older books are overrated or underrated, they were the trend setters of many of the classic story-telling techniques and...
by kingdompen | Apr 3, 2022 | Contests & Opportunities, KP Updates
All stories come from memories, do they not? A memory of a story you read 5 years ago, paired with a memory of a conversation you had with a friend late at night, paired with a memory of a song you listened to three days ago, paired with the memory of your favorite...