by Graham Jackson | Mar 26, 2018 | Articles, Poetry Tips
Morning is an important time of day for many reasons, not least of which is that it’s where we tend to begin.At the start of a new day, we take stock of what happened yesterday, what is happening now, and what may happen in the near future.All of this typically occurs...
by Graham Jackson | Nov 29, 2017 | Articles, Poetry Tips
When I sit down to undertake the strangeness of writing poetry, I like to contemplate metaphors that enhance my understanding of the task. For instance, writing is like breaking frozen ground with a shovel (which this New Englander has done before, whether on purpose...
by Graham Jackson | Sep 29, 2017 | Articles, Poetry Tips
When we think about the fantasy genre, our minds’ search engines typically conjure up epic, lengthy narratives about knights and their escapades. In reality, the land of the quotidian, we have to satisfy our hunger for imaginative escape through fantasy novels. Poetry...