by Daniel Thompson | Sep 14, 2015 | Author Interviews
“THE RABBIT HOLE NEVER ENDS, TOM.” Hiya peeps. In this lovely episode of Kingdom Pen Radio, we have the equally lovely Sarah Spradlin in studio to talk about the Christian sub-genre known as Allegory. And, of course, we can’t leave it...
by Daniel Thompson | Sep 7, 2015 | Author Interviews
“Kingdom Pen Radio: The Only Good Thing about Mondays” Bryan Davis steps into the house! Daniel talks him through his dragon obsession, they discuss why Bryan loves fantasy so much, delve into dystopia, and give away a book at the end. As is...
by Daniel Thompson | Aug 31, 2015 | Author Interviews
“Kingdom Pen Radio. It’s, like, presents every week. Except it’s Daniel’s creepy voice. Creepy presents.” On THIS EXCITING EPISODE (can you feel the drama? I feel the drama) Eric and Daniel converse intelligently (read as “geek...
by Daniel Thompson | Aug 24, 2015 | Author Interviews
WE’RE BACK, TURKEYS!* Having somehow survived for a second episode, Daniel and Kerry talk about the development of two of Kerry’s books, the challenges and benefits of writing without an outline, the 2 key elements to becoming successful in...
by Daniel Thompson | Aug 17, 2015 | KP Updates, News
Yo guys. Welcome to Kingdom Pen Radio. In the inaugural episode of Kingdom Pen Radio, Daniel and Ezra map out an ancient Canadian love story, bash Hunger Games, give away a t-shirt, recite a culturally inaccurate Canadian poem, and generally make a mess...