by Josiah DeGraaf | Dec 30, 2017 | Video
The climax is the last big scene your reader will experience before finishing your novel. Which is why it’s imperative to make it as terrible as possible. After all, if they like the climax, they start badgering you to write more novels. And no writer ever wants...
by Josiah DeGraaf | Nov 27, 2017 | Video
Character arcs are tough. So tough, you probably shouldn’t even write them. Unfortunately, however, there’s enough demand for character arcs, that we have to give you more (terrible) advice than that. Thankfully, however, we’ve still got you covered....
by Josiah DeGraaf | Nov 20, 2017 | Articles, Platform & Career, Publishing
When I was a teenager, my writing philosophy was simple: strive to make my work as great as possible, then start gathering a following once literary agents were interested in my book. After all, my publisher would help grow my audience, right? Two factors have changed...
by Josiah DeGraaf | Oct 27, 2017 | Video
What better way to celebrate the approaching end of our month focused on villains than to teach you to ignore everything you’ve just learned about how to write a good villain? *coughs* We couldn’t think of a better way at any rate. (Guess that tells you...
by Josiah DeGraaf | Sep 27, 2017 | Video
We’re going to be honest. This video may not be able to tell you how to write the worst fantasy novel ever. Because there are too many published novels already jockeying for the spot. But we’re going to do our best. Because what else are we supposed to do...