April is already here, and it's time for a new theme of the month!

This April, we will be covering....

Writing Meaningful Character Relationships

Character relationships are one of the most important things in any story. They are what intrigue, hook, and move the audience. They also serve to motivate, flesh out, strengthen, and sometimes even break the main characters.

Well-written character relationships can add just that more emotional impact, conflict, and heart into your story that turns it from just “okay” to “memorable”.

However, writing meaningful, believable, and dynamic character relationships can be difficult. So this month, Kingdom Pen hopes to help you pull off writing relationships with excellence, and make your stories that much more impactful. 

Some articles you can look forward to are:

  • Common Romantic Tropes, and how to pull them off
  • How to write sibling relationships
  • How to write hero-mentor relationships
  • How to write character dynamics
  • Types of character relationships to include in your novel (not just romantic relationships

Also, we have lots of short stories, poems, and guest articles coming up this month as well, so look forward to those! 

In the meantime, check out some of the posts from the Kingdom Pen archive about how to develop relationships in your novel!

Do you have anything you want to say about this topic? Awesome! You can submit an article to Kingdom Pen and share your expertise about writing meaningful character relationships with the rest of the KeePers of Pen! Just head on over to the submissions page and find out how! We would love to hear from you!

Also, let us know in the comments...

What are your favorite types of relationships in fiction? What are some of the most memorable relationships you've read about in books or movies? And... are you excited about this month's theme?

Keep On Reading...
