
  • Lucy Israel posted an update 3 years, 10 months ago

    Hey everybody! Guess what? We are going to Callaway Gardens in 4 days! Here’s the link to the cabin we are staying at! (I get the loft)

    I cant wait! What have y’all been doing lately? Also, my brothers birthday (Owen) is coming up! He will be 15. It’s on the 23 of this month. We will be celebrating it at callaway. But I am really excited. My mama said, “So, what are you looking forward to?” And I said “Sitting in that loft and reading a good book! (Preferably Chuck Black! Yes @issawriter7 ! The Wars Of The Realm series has became my total favorite! Ohhh!!! I LOVE Drew!! Can you become in love with a fictional character??? (Because I think I am!) I feel like doing a jumping jack when I even think of him!!!!) Sadly, I don’t own the series, but I borrowed them from the library and the second I returned them I said “Can I get them back please?!” So I ordered them again! @issawriter7 You NEED to read this enter view that Brock Eastman did with Chuck Black! This was one of my fav things in the enter view.

    Brock: What do your readers think about your latest series?

    Chuck: I have had more enthusiasm from my readers for the Wars of the Realm books than any of my previous books. I have a bad habit of writing some major cliff hangers into my books. The response is pretty intense. I guess you could say they love to hate me and can’t wait for book number three.

    And I LOVED this part! Awwww! I LOVE Validus to! He and Drew are TOTALLY my favorite characters! Man! I wish they where real. I will literally just sit there and hope that they where real sometimes. I guess that’s the problem with amazing authors, there characters are never real! (Unless there writing… uh… oh. My. Soul. I just forgot what the words called! Ok. Fake, fiction. Real, ok whatever! You know what I mean! But I really liked this part of the enter view. (Especially the Validus part!😉

    Brock: Give us one fact about each main character that no one else knows.

    Chuck: Drew Carter’s favorite movies are King Arthur, The Bourne Identity, and Pride and Prejudice, although he would never admit it.

    Sydney Carlyle is taking Tae Kwon Do classes without telling Drew.

    Benjamin Berg loves the Minions although he would never admit it.

    Validus marvels when he watches children play, wondering what it would have been like to be so small and so vulnerable.

    Anyway guys! I hope you read the enter view! And I am still excited about the upcoming trip!
    What have y’all been doing lately?

    @abigail-m. @joy-caroline @gracie-j @issawriter7 @nova21 @not-so-secret-secret-assassin @sparksaraabbott11 @scripter-of-kingdoms @lewilliams @writerlexi1216 @devastate-lasting @kathleenramm

    • Hi Lucy! That sounds awesome:)
      And I’ve never read Chuck Black, but his characters sound awesome and I loved those bits of interview you posted. Especially the part where he gives information that the readers don’t know about, because of all the extra dynamics, thoughts, and interests a character can have behind the scenes of the novel:)

    • @lucy
      looks so fun!

      oh, yes! don’t forget to tell Owen happy birthday from me and tell me what he says. XD
