Snapper posted an update 7 years ago
@aislinn-mollisong @dekreel @daeus @seekjustice @winter-rose @ethryndal @sam-kowal Hey Beta-readers! 😀
You all have helped me so much in the making of my novel. It’s come so soooo far in the last 6 months. Hopefully, with a couple more round of edits, I’ll be ready to send it off to agents, editors and publishing companies.
Because of that, I wanted to request that you keep the talking about the Sector One on the internet on the down-low. I’m not sure what policies are on novels and talking about them before they’ve been published or anything, but I still don’t want to risk giving anything away to other people. 🙂
Again, thank you all so much!
@dragon-snapper No problem.
That just made me realize how awesome talking about it with other KeePers would be!
Have no fear, though. I will tell Stan to keep quiet as well
Sure thing.
*salutes* Gotcha. Sector One is officially kept under my hat.
@dragon-snapper Sure! I hope I haven’t bumbled about it too much already… I was really excited about it X)
@dekreel Nope! 😀 Definitely not too much. 😛
@winter-rose @ethryndal @daeus @sam-kowal Thanks guys!
@dekreel @winter-rose @ethryndal @daeus @sam-kowal
And back to this again. Sorry. *facepalm*
So I’ve decided that I will talk more about my book on the internet. Ya’ll can talk about it too, just no spoilers.
(I was afraid to do so before because I read an article, and although it was convincing @reaganramm and Hailey’s video was faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more convincing. Thanks guys.) So yeah, you all can chat now.
#nospoilers. 😛
@dragon-snapper 😛 Okay. Awesome