
  • Mariposa Aristeo posted an update 7 years ago

    Hi all!

    Some of you may have noticed I haven’t been around much lately. I just wanted to let you know I haven’t been ignoring you. A lot of changes have been happening lately and I hate to say this, but I’m afraid I must…I guess what I’m trying to say is…goodbye. 😢 Y’all have been the bestistiest and I’ll miss every one of you sorely, and all the gif wars and kapeefers and LOKD. But I believe God is taking me elsewhere. Change isn’t always pleasant, but I know God will work it out for good. If any of you want to touch base with me, I’ll still be hanging around my blog (though I might take a month hiatus to figure some things out) and on Instagram.

    Aberdeen sends you his best and returns any books of yours he may have accidentally ate.

    Thanks for being awesome, helpful, and supportive. 🙂

    @graciegirl @jenwriter17 @ethryndal @dragon-snapper @winter-rose @cindygreen @clairec @emily-d

    • I was just thinking about you earlier today. *sniff* But I think you’ve got the right perspective; God does know what’s best, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time. Or if, yeah, change isn’t the most comfy thing on earth.
      Thank you for being such a great kapeefer! 😀 *offers Aberdeen a rough draft full of delicious adverbs*

    • @mariposa aw, we’ll miss you lots! *reaches for tissue* but I appreciate that you’re going in the direction you think God is taking you 🙂 I’ll definitely keep following your blog!

    • @mariposa, Oh no!!!!! I’m going to miss you!
      Thank you for the input you’ve had here.
      I’ll be following you blog too.
      May God bless you in whatever He has in store for you. 🙂

    • Shucks, I’m gonna miss you around here. Ah well, God knows best. I can’t wait for you to find out where He’s taking you. So long for now, my friend. You’ve been a wonderful addition to our Keeper circle, and we’re going to be sorely lacking in bright colors and dinosaurs without you. 💕

      I’ll be keeping up to date on all your platforms. 🙂

    • *hugs you tightly* I’m so sorry to see you go, lovely girl 🙁 You’ve been a wonderful addition to the team, as well as an incredible encourager and friend. Can I have the link to your blog? You’re not getting rid of me that easily.💕

      • @cindygreen *hugs you back while sniffling* Thank you for your very kind, sweet words, Cindy. You’ve inspired me ever since I read your first KP poem. ❤️

        Of course! Here it is: I may be taking a break from it for a short time as I mull over some new ideas. Also, I’ll be hanging out at Story Embers and helping with the graphics. 🙂

        Thanks again, Cindy. Keep on being amazing and writing amazing poetry. 💜

    • @winter-rose Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. 💜 I’m glad God gave me the opportunity to meet people like you.

    • AGHHH! I am crazy late to this. 😭
      So sad to see you go, Mariposa!! I’m going to miss seeing you around here. 🙁 Praying everything works out on the new path you’re taking! ❤❤❤
