Emily D posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago
@jenwriter17 Hello! How are you? So, I saw that you have been discussing/thinking about a pen name. No, I am not stalking you, I just saw it on your personal note XD ! That’s really hilarious because I have been brainstorming a pen name too. I like being mysterious. I blame it on the writer in me… 😉
What have you been reading at the moment?
@emily-d Hi! I’m pretty busty lately, but doing great! How ’bout you? I don’t mind stalking…..from nice people like you, that is. 😉Brainstorming pen names is a lot of fun! Do you have some names that you like for yourself?
Right now I’m reading The Centurion’s Wife and Creating Character Arcs. Both really good. What about you?
@jenwriter17. Hi! So sorry about the late reply! I am good thanks. I just finished The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, which was interesting, and I’m reading This Changes Everything, by Jaquelle Crowe, which is Amaaaazing!!! I really like Jailyn as a first name, but I haven’t decided on a surname 😄 I would ask you, but then everyone can see…so yeah 😝
@emily-d I’ve heard of Jaquelle Crowe; what’s her book about?
I really like the name Jailyn, and I like how you spelled it too. 😊