Tatiana posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago
Guys, I’m actually really proud of myself this year. Reason: my perfectionism isn’t really getting in the way of my writing! 😀 (I know, right?!)
In past years, I – a pantster – would desperately try to make my drafts as perfect as possible. Perfect sentence structure, perfect dialogue, etc. (Everything but a perfect plot XP)
This year, while writing my current novel (yay for NaNoWriMo!), I am taking so much comfort in the fact that I will be editing and writing a new draft in the future. I’m not putting so much pressure on myself to ‘get it right the first time’ and that feels so liberating. So I just wanted to say ‘THANK YOU – GRACIAS – MERCI – DYAKUYU – ARIGATÅŒ’ to all of you Keepers (as I understand we are calling ourselves now?) for such incredibly supportive articles and forum topics. Although I don’t always actively participate, I have still gleaned much wisdom from everything that y’all have said and written and continue to say and write.
And I know I won’t tag everyone, but here is everyone that I can remember off of the top of my head:
@daeus @dragon-snapper @kate-flournoy @bluejay @winter-rose @emma @gretald @ingridrd @everyone else