
  • Cloudy posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    @daeus @aratrea If I wanted to submit a short story to be published on KP do I HAVE to give a picture of my actual face or can you just put a dragon instead of me or something. I hate my face and I’m not ready for a face reveal anyway. I kinda plan to wait for that when one (If not all) happens:
    a. people care
    b. it is an exciting moment BECAUSE people care
    c. when the face reveal is a big thing because I’ve actually accomplished something and I can THEN show my face to the world, like finishing my novella, or putting my face on the back of a book (I have dreams XD), or posting pictures of the OYAN writers conference.
    d. I’m being begged to show my stupid fat face all over the internet.

    • Hey Cloudy! Yes–I definitely understood that and that would be fine. In this case, I think we’d prefer not to include a picture along with it (just a bio), but you definitely don’t need to give us a profile pic if you don’t want to. 🙂
