Cloudy posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago
@daeus @aratrea If I wanted to submit a short story to be published on KP do I HAVE to give a picture of my actual face or can you just put a dragon instead of me or something. I hate my face and I’m not ready for a face reveal anyway. I kinda plan to wait for that when one (If not all) happens:
a. people care
b. it is an exciting moment BECAUSE people care
c. when the face reveal is a big thing because I’ve actually accomplished something and I can THEN show my face to the world, like finishing my novella, or putting my face on the back of a book (I have dreams XD), or posting pictures of the OYAN writers conference.
d. I’m being begged to show my stupid fat face all over the internet.
Hey Cloudy! Yes–I definitely understood that and that would be fine. In this case, I think we’d prefer not to include a picture along with it (just a bio), but you definitely don’t need to give us a profile pic if you don’t want to. 🙂
Thank you! I hope to submit a story in the near future. 🙂