
  • Ethryndal posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    @Emma-Flournoy Well I don’t know about you, but that was a PATHETIC eclipse.

    • Sort of! I must’ve been expecting it to get really really dark. It did get a leeeetle darker and looked kinda cool out, but it was…pathetic. Looking at the sun through the solar filter was pretty cool though. It looked like an orange crescent moon. (We weren’t in the ‘path of totality’ as they call it, so we didn’t get to see it 100% eclipsed. It was like 85% or something.)
      Did you have some solar filter to look at it through? If you couldn’t see it that way, then it must’ve been even more pathetic for you. 😛 All you could see would be the outward effects. That’s bad. I can send you some pictures if you didn’t get to look at the actual moon eclipsing the actual sun, only the pathetic effects down here for us earthlings. 😀

    • I ain’t droppin’ no eaves, honest (so I hope it’s okay to jump into this conversation? I’m really sorry if it’s not!), but I got to see the eclipse in totality. I don’t live in the Path of Totality either, so my family journeyed to a different state to see it. And it was totally epic.

      • Jump all you like! (And kudos for a perfectly placed LotR quote…)

        Gah, that must have been SO cool! What was it like? Did everything get dark or something, or is that just one of those random myths everyone thinks is true?

        • Thanks! (And thanks, I love that quote. XD)

          It was pretty awesome… Everything didn’t get dark as in the dead of night kind of dark, but it was all dusky, I believe the word is. A flock of birds returned to roost in the trees, and the cicadas and other night bugs began to sing. And Venus (usually the brightest “star” in the sky) was visible. Also, you could look directly at the sun without hurting your eyes, because the moon was right in front of it (obviously, because otherwise it wouldn’t be an eclipse 😛 ) But it was like a black sphere with a glowing halo around it (from the sun’s light). The sun was covered for maybe two minutes, but they were the shortest two minutes of my life. As soon as the tiniest speck of sun was visible things began to lighten again, and daylight’s return was like stage lights rising. There was also a quick change in temperature as the cool evening temperature returned to hot afternoon. The cicadas kept singing a little while longer though.

          I’m sorry it was so pathetic where you saw it.

          • @ethryndal Pathetic eh? I certainly hope this is one of your sarcastic moments, because it was far from it. 😛

          • @Jessi-Rae YIKES. That sounds AWESOME.I think the coolest thing about what you just said is how the animals and stuff thought it was night time. *shivers* It’s almost creepy. I don’t know about you, but I kinda want to write a story about an eclipse now. 😛

            (And your imagery was so cool. Sun like rising stage lights? SO. COOL.)

            @Dragon-snapper *gets close to your face* Pah-THETIC. *grins* Though this is mostly because I was only 82% in the Path of Totality (I love that term), and didn’t have solar filters or anything. So I couldn’t even look at it.

            Gotta say though, I was almost expecting everything to go black with a loud clap of thunder, and some monstrous voice to ring out, “Now comes your doom!!!!! Muahahahah…”

            Call me warped if it pleases you. I’m an old woman, after all. We can’t trust my mind.

            • @ethryndal You’re right! It would be fun to write a story about an eclipse. Or something similar, anyway…

              (Thanks! That was the best way I could think to describe it. 🙂 )
