
  • Emily D posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    @mark-kamibaya Hi! I saw that you like philosophy. Just wondering, do you like Francis Shaeffer’s books?

    • @emily-d I’m not familiar with Shaeffer. I did google him though and I recognize one of his books–True Spirituality. Why do you ask?

    • @mark-kamibaya Just wondering :). He’s about the only philosopher I’ve heard of and actually read some of his work :P. He was a really great author though.

      • @emily-d Ok. I should probs check him out. Philosophy in general is such a vast field that it’s hard to find good people in it. I normally read of the erroneous views of old-timey people like Nietzsche and Voltaire. But now I’m trying to saturate myself with the Christian philosophers (aka theologians) like Jonathan Edwards.

        • Wow I’ve heard of him! I’ve read Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper and he quoted Jonathan Edwards quite a bit. He sounded really good. Whenever I think of the term “philosopher” I think of Socrates, Plato, et cetera, but it’s nice to be reminded that there’s a Christian side to it!

          • Yes! John Piper actually chose Jonathan Edwards as the one theologian he would try to study the most of. There’s a John Piper book I’m reading that is split into two parts. The first part is Piper deconstructing Edwards and analyzing his work. The second part is one of Edwards’ greatest works, “The End For Which God Created The World.” The book itself is titled “God’s Passion For His Glory” and I definitely recommend it (although Edwards writes in an old-timey style, if you know what I mean).

          • And, surprisingly, I actually don’t read much of Plato or Socrates. I mostly read of philosophers in the last four centuries with an emphasis on the modern (cuz they’re easier to read) 😀
