
  • Daeus posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago

    @kate-flournoy @sierra-r @aratrea @that_writer_girl_99 @winter-rose

    Hi guys,

    I have a rather enormous announcement/request to make.

    For a while now, I’ve been wanting to create my own e-course. I’ve had an idea for it too. I wanted to cover the “show don’t tell” rule. Now, to many people, that would seem like a crazy idea for a course, since so many writing teachers cover it in just a simple article, but that’s exactly what I want to make the course. I’m quite convinced the subject is /far/ beyond the scope of a single article. I’ve actually studied this topic a great deal. I’m certainly not perfect at it in my own writing, but I’m getting a lot better. The important thing though is that I know the concepts really well in their fine detail. I know how they /should/ be applied. Frankly, I’ve never come across anyone who takes the show don’t tell principle so deep as I do.

    So, naturally, I want to share this information with others.

    That’s where I could use some help. Handling such a vast subject is going to be hard for me, even though I know exactly what I need to cover. What I’m looking for are “beta readers” for the course material. I figure some of you are probably way too busy and would have no time for this, but I wanted to ask you anyways because you were the first people who came to mind for this.

    I should give you a more thorough job description here: This will be a big course. Currently, my outline lists 33 lessons. My guess is that these lessons will range around fifteen minutes each.

    The things I could use help with are:
    1. Making sure my lessons are easy to understand and apply. This would include reading through my script and making general suggestions. No specific editing needed.
    2. General suggestions on developing the course. (i.e. such things as suggesting a more common sense division of lessons or saying if you like a slideshow design or not.”
    3. Spell checking the slides (after I already have).
    4. I might need some short stories/novel excerpts to use for examples, taking them from current state to revised state. If you have any you’re willing to let be publically edited, that would be a big help.

    This would /not/ include watching all the videos and giving feedback on them. Just reading the scripts.

    Also, let me suggest that if this seems like a ridiculously large task, I could split up some of the tasks up. Maybe some of you could cover the first half of the course and some the second half…or, there are plenty of different ways it could be split up.

    If you’re able to help with this, I’d like to give you free lifetime access to this course. And, hey! you’ll get to study one of the deepest subjects of the writing life too. 😉

    To conclude this long rant, just let me know if you’re interested in this and I’ll get back to you. 🙂
