
  • Sarah Hoven posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago

    @bluejay Okay, so what should we do when ClaireC comes back? I’m stuck on ideas; do you have any? Should we create a special topic to celebrate? *rubs hands together* Let the plotting begin! 🙂

    • @sarah-h Hmm…let’s see. I have not been thinking about it much, been busy with a wedding and now I’m sick, but…
      You have my email, so maybe we could write a story for her, or a poem.
      *rubs hand across brain* This is hard, isn’t it?

      • Oh dear, I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well. I hope you are better soon. Remember a while back you said that you were on medication, but you wouldn’t know if the problem was fixed until the end of this month? Do you know yet? Is it better?
        Was it your sister’s wedding? That must have been fun. Weddings are so wonderful.
        Now to the point. Hmmm…*think think think* I like your ideas. We could write a story about an Australian princess who gets kidnapped, and the kingdom falls into disarray, and her friends set out to save her, and there is a grand rescue, and they return just in time to save the kingdom from dissolution. 🙂 *reads back over it* Oh dear, does that look as cheesy as it sounds?

        • @sarah-h I am feeling better now, thank you. I have a nose cold, but at least I am on the road to recovery.
          Yes I do remember. I think it hasn’t fixed me. 🙁 So when I take my medication I have to wait an hour before taking other medication. So I had a sore throat and I wanted to suck a lozenge, so I didn’t take my medication. I ended up vomiting that night. Now, I have had two colds since I have been on my medication, so I think not taking any of the stuff cause me to vomit. (I hope this isn’t too graphic for you.)
          Yes it was. It was lots of fun and it was a wonderful day.
          I don’t think it is too cheesy. Sounds interesting actually. I have no idea if we can pull it off, but we can try, if you want.

          • @bluejay Ouch, that doesn’t sound fun. 🙁 I’ll keep praying. And it would be fun to try to write that. How would we do it?

            • We can use my email to write it, so Claire doesn’t see it. As for how to work on a story together I’m not so sure. Any ideas on that side?

            • @bluejay umm….well, let’s see. There are two separate stages to writing a story: 1 plot it all out and outline it, and 2 actually write it. One of us could outline it, in a scene-by-scene sort of way, and the other could put it together. Which stage would you want to take? You are by far the better writer, but if you would rather outline I will do my best to write. 🙂 Do you have a better idea?
              Oh, and are you feeling better today?

            • @sarah-h I’m definitely better at the writing than the outline. So if you want to outline a story and send it through, I’ll see what I can do. And I’ll probably send stages through to you as I am working on it, so that I make sure that I’m doing things right. Does that sound like a plan?
              I am feeling much better. Tried from blowing my nose all day, and having to wash hands often, but it will pass. 🙂

            • @bluejay Sounds good to me. 🙂
              Oh yay, I’m glad you’re recovering! The recovery stage is nearly as unpleasant as the actual sickness for me, except for the anticipation of knowing it’s almost over. Is it winter over there, or spring? It’s fall here, and the weather is cooling down.

            • @sarah-h It is spring over here. We are in the first month and nearly at the end of it. Wow! Time flies when you’re having fun. 🙂

            • @bluejay Spring! Do you have flowers? That sounds so wonderful. We’re heading into winter over here.

            • @sarah-h Hundreds of flowers. Although we have a lot less then normal because we picked a whole lot for my sister’s wedding. 🙂 🙂 🙂
              Winter is good if you get snow. Otherwise I find it wet and miserable. But God gave us winter for a reason, so I guess I shouldn’t complain. 😉

            • @bluejay Here in Phoenix, we just get the cold without the snow, or really much wet, either. What is the deepest snow you’ve gotten?

            • @bluejay I know, I have just earned the title of Grand Procrastinator, but I will be thoroughly busy with church stuff until next week. Next week holds a vast abundance of nothingness, though; no youth group, no small groups, no conference, so (I think and hope that) I will have plenty of time come Monday.

            • @sarah-h 🙂 That’s all right. I am not working on any story at the moment, so it works out for me too. Hopefully though I’ll see you next week. 🙂

            • @bluejay Oh yay, I’m glad it works out. 🙂
