ClaireC posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Current Status – boring my mother as I tell her the entire plot of my book, (over several days) complete with names, backstory, ghosts, lies, truths, Thing-your-character-wants, Thing-your-character-needs, plot twists, etc. The whole load. She’s very patient. I’m finding it very useful to verbalize all my ideas, making sure everything makes sense. Also, she asks lots of questions that make me think really carefully (and sometimes make up answers! just kidding! :P) Take the time today to thank your mum for being being your mum, your cook, your personal caretaker, counselor, and, if you’re anything like me, Your Personal (FREE!) editor and proof-reader! Even if she knows absolutely nothing about writing books (mine doesn’t, and she tells me so frequently), she can still be the best sounding board you’ll find. Thanks Mum!! 🙂 😉 😛
P. S. All you Americans will notice I spelled that m-U-m! Aussies…
P. P. S. @overcomer, please note the number of parenthesis and smiley faces in this update *winks slowly* *pausing moment as she realizes you may not know what I’m referring to* Latest comment under the topic, ‘Alternative Historical Fiction Book Premise’
@bluejay, @sarah-h, anna-brie, @overcomer, @gideon-sowdon, @jess, @gretald, @kate-flournoy, @ingridrd, @daeus
@anna-brie, sorry forgot the ‘@’ symbol in front of your name!
@clairec Thanks for the reminder. I’m sure I don’t thank Mommy enough for all that she does for us. I’ve begun to realize that she doesn’t have such a thing as free time; we 5 children take it all up. It’s hard for me to imagine making a sacrifice like that, every day, all my life like she has, and I really appreciate her. Three cheers for mothers! 🙂 🙂 🙂
P.S. In Australia, if you say “Mum” instead of “Mommy”, what do you call your father?
@sarah-h. I call my parents Mummy and Daddy, but when I’m talking to other people, I generally say Mum and Dad.
@clairec It’s so true! My “mum” (I’m American, so I spell it “mom,” but I like the sound of “mum” more, for some reason… 😛 ) does so much for me, and I often take it for granted. 😉 Glad you’re able to sort out your plot and everything!
@gretald, Thanks! 🙂