
  • hybridlore posted an update 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    @acancello Hey girl! How are you doing? I saw from your profile that you live in NC. How is the hurricane damage up there? I hope your family is doing ok!

    • @hybridlore
      Hi! Thank you so much for thinking of me, that means so much <3
      Thankfully we are pretty far from Asheville, and just got a ton of rain, no damage here.
      I saw below that you're in Indiana. Are you doing Ok?
      Glad to talk to you again 😀

      • Of course, girl! I’ve missed you. ❤️
        That’s good! I’m glad. I’ve heard it’s horrible in some places. Yes, I’m doing great! Back in Georgia now, our power’s back on. Same thing here, not much damage here, but lots of trees fell down and messed with the power lines. Thankfully everyone is pretty much back to normal now. My family is thinking about moving to Indiana before next semester starts, so if God is willing, it’s about to be a crazy next couple of months for us. 😅 What have you been up to lately?

        • Oh, sorry, I misread that😅 Its great to hear your OK.
          I’ve heard Indiana is really pretty, have you fully decided yet?
          We haven’t been doing much lately. Just tons of school and me and my brother are trying to decide what to be for Halloween. Does your family dress up?

          • No, that’s ok! Sorry about the late response. My family has not made any permanent decisions but is looking for houses in the area and my mom’s talked to a realtor here about selling our house. So we’ll see.
            Yep, we usually do! I think me and my sister might go as cowgirls this year and my brother is going to be a clown basketball player? lol.
