Ellette Giselle posted an update 6 months ago
Hi! I believe I met you when I started an account on Good Reeds so that I could write a review for Freedom’s Fire!
I had NO IDEA you were also a KPer! That’s great!
I just wanted to say hi!
Ellette Giselle posted an update 6 months ago
Hi! I believe I met you when I started an account on Good Reeds so that I could write a review for Freedom’s Fire!
I had NO IDEA you were also a KPer! That’s great!
I just wanted to say hi!
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Hey there! I’m hardly ever on here, but technically I’m still a member. Are you on my email list? That’s where I do most of my interacting with readers (well, that and Goodreads).
I don’t think I am. lol.
I’d love to be tho, if you would tell me where to do that.
I just had no idea you were a KPer! That’s so cool!
You have a series published, right? That’s so cool! I have two stand alones published and I’m about to release the first book in my Saga
The newsletter signup is here: https://booksbyjayna.com/newsletter. Plus that will get you a free copy of the prequel short story that starts the series. I just released the second book in the trilogy and am hoping to start planning the third book soon.
You’re welcome!