
  • Esther posted an update 2 weeks, 5 days ago

    Hey girl!! Just wondering how you’re doing, how school’s going for you, and how writing’s been. 😊 I also saw you had a birthday last week sooo… Happy Birthday!!! 🥳1️⃣5️⃣🎉🙌🎁🎂

    • Awwww thanks for checking on me that means a lot!!!!!!!! <333333
      You're so sweet 😊😊💗💗💗💗
      Writing's been nonexistent lately…I haven't written in like a few weeks 😬
      I'm not sure that God's calling me to write this story at this time in my life. Like I think that He's calling me to write it, just not NOW. I still have a lot to learn before I continue writing about the topics and I'm just taking a longgggg break lol
      Who knows…I might start writing again in a month, a week, two years *shrugs*
      Life's just been really crazy…
      I'm playing volleyball again and it's super fun!
      I'm also sick again…😒 of course….
      I made two great friends at school and it's been the best school year so far!!!!!!!!! YAY!!
      How are you?!

      • Oh I feel you… I haven’t written in a month, maybe more 💀 I just haven’t found the time or motivation to sit down and get something out. I’m planning to dive back into it once October rolls around and then really focus on it in November for NaNoWriMo.
        Yeah, I totally understand that tho! Sometimes it’s super helpful to take a break.
        Oh yes, I get the crazy life. We’ve been crazy busy all month. It’s been good, but busy!! I don’t know about you, but for me when things get crazy or busy, I tend to find it hard to set aside time to spend with God. Like, I still read my Bible and journal during the week, but I’m not taking the time to pray and really spend time with Him. Something I’ve been noticing in my life lately…
        Oooh yess!! That’s awesome! Volleyball is ✨a m a z i n g✨ What position do you play?
        Ugh, not fun. Hope you feel better soon!! <3
        Yay!! I’m so happy for you!!! It feels really good when you have those couple of good friends that you love to spend time with. 🥰

        • Same here…we’re CRAZYYYYYY busy….
          It’s honestly easier for me to spend time with God when it gets crazy because it’s the only stability in my life XDXD
          I play back row! I love it so much!
          What do you play?!?
          I’m feeling a LOT better today actually.
          Yessss it’s answer to prayer <333

          • Yeahhh, hopefully once September and half of October is past, things will slow down. XD Because like, volleyball’s been keep me busy, but last week and this week I’ve been trying to fit in practices for our school’s powderpuff football game, lol.
            You know what, that’s really good!! I’ve never thought of it that way before, but that totally makes sense!
            Cool!! That’s awesome! I play right side hitter! Normally I have a sub for when I rotate to back row, but out last game Coach let me play some points in back row and I loved it!
            Good! 🥰

            • yesssss! I love vb but I legit can’t wait for a normal schedule and more time with the fam… <333
              What on Earth is a powderpuff football game?!?! I have so many questions lol
              Ohhh that's a slay! Are you like really tall or are you one of those people with an insane vertical?
              I love back row! It's so satisfying when you make a great save on a hit or something and omc it's so fun! Except I have sooo many bruises, I legit need elbow pads XDXD
              Yessss! God is like the only thing I've got to hold onto sometimes so I feel like when I'm busy I talk to Him more than when I have time, which is kinda sad because it makes me feel bad for not spending even more time when I DO have time if that makes sense hahaha
              Yeah it's really emotional cuz I've prayed for some godly friends since I was ten and this year on my birthday too God basically gave me some friends as a gift…it's so cool and I love Jesus soooo much <3

            • Definitely!
              Hehehe… so at a lot of high schools, the girls will form football teams and play against each other the week of homecoming and the guys become cheerleaders. Because our school doesn’t have a football team, we do it a little differently. Whichever high school girls want to participate are split into two teams (freshmen/sophomores vs. juniors/seniors). Then we have a handful of guys from the school who coach us. It was really fun!! Our team didn’t win, but it was still a blast! 🤪
              Ummm… I’m not that tall, loll. I’m only 5’ 6’’. Buuuut, the tall girls at our school don’t play volleyball, so we have to work with what we’ve got. We only have a few girls on our team who can actually block. I don’t quite have an INSANE vertical, but I’ve been working on it. Coach just knows I’m stronger in the front than in the back, so that’s where she has me. (We also use this position as a back up setter if the setter gets first ball, and I’m somewhat good at setting I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂)
              Yes!! That is literally so satisfying!! And I feel like back row players don’t get enough credit. They’re literally life savers!!! Oh yeah, totally XDD
              Ohh, I gotcha. Yeah, that makes sense. 😊
              In all seriousness, isn’t He just the best though? 💕
