
  • freedom posted an update 1 month ago

    How is everyone’s school/life in general going? I miss being active on here, but life demands😭

    • Life is good, just learning to take things one day at a time.
      Gracious, you like Legolas a tad bit don’t you? XD Seriously though, Tolkien had some amazing characters. My sister and I have been rereading The Two Towers together. I love Pippin.
      Have you finished the series?

      • Girl, same here😅💖
        I do. (Aragorn is actually my fav tho👀) ACK, his characters are sooo good. Pippin is so much fun XXD

        yesss, I’ve finished the series and watched all 3 movies (but not the extended versions yet😭). Technically I listened to an audiobook of the 1st book, read both The Two Towers and The Return of the King as paperbacks, then read The Fellowship of the Ring as a paperback and I’m currently rereading The Two Towers (super invested in Middle-Earth rn😂). annnnnd I’ve also watched the first movie twice in a week (though the 2nd time was mostly bc of a school assignment, but still)
        anywhoooo I should probably stop before I go on forever.

        I’m glad life is going well. Tell Elishavet hello for me :3

        • I approve of Aragorn as a favorite. He’s amazing. *Nods importantly*
          Wow…I’ve just read the books, but my sister and I found a well done audiobook so we’ve swapped to listening.
          Which movie is your favorite? And about how graphic are they?
          AAAH. Don’t say that too loudly! XD.

          • He is😍
            Ooh, what audiobook? 👀
            MMMMMMmmmmmm either The Fellowship of the Ring or The Return of the King for the movies. Maybe the Fellowship, just bc I love everyone being together.
            And I wouldn’t say they’re SUPER graphic, but there is blood, beheadings, and pretty typical PG-13 violence.
            Some of the creatures can be pretty creepy (although I mostly found them ugly rather than scary😂), and fight scenes happen pretty frequently. 

            I wouldn’t recommend anyone younger than 13 watching it at all, if that helps.

            (and the Hobbit movies are even more violent than the LOTR movies, I would say, now that I’ve watched those as well)


            • The Recorded Books version read by Andy Serkis. He does an amazing job with the hobbit voices, and Gollum’s voice about gives me shivers (and is somehow funny at the same time).
              I’m kinda sensitive in that I don’t forget scenes and end up dreaming them. But a friend of ours has been trying to get us to see the main trilogy, despite knowing we are sticklers to books.
