MineralizedWritings posted an update 8 months, 1 week ago
@loopylin @whalekeeper @keilah-h
Just because I’m tagging you doesn’t mean I think you’re autistic it just means I know you like psychology and the subject in general 😂
hey guys so I just went to the psychiatrist today and they say I’m symptomatic of autism. Lol, my sis has been saying I have it for awhile now. He said he was surprised I didn’t score higher on the test XD
I thought it was really funny though that on the test is has questions like “Do other people say you are…”
excuse me what? What other people? You think I hang out with people? 🙄😂
And I probably didn’t score as high as he thought I would because I don’t have a hard time understanding people. I love trying to get into other people’s minds and understanding them… which isn’t to say I know how to interact with them after I have such understanding lol. And a lot of the questions were about lack of empathy and understanding which I don’t really struggle with.
Oh and I found this really interesting video online about how lots of autistic people are infj’s which I am too. I know Whaley is infj, are the other two of you aswell?
I AM autistic actually….so hey!! Join the club!
I have never done the letter personality thingy you’re referring to lol.
Nope. I am not an INFJ. I looked up what that means and it really doesn’t fit me.
I have some of those traits but not others (specifiaclly the helping people part)
XD thanks! Ah, ok. I had to take the test for my psychology class last year and it was really interesting.
Ohhh! Ok makes sense.
I’ve never had a psychology class lol
Me, pretending to be surprised by this news :0
Honestly, I thought you were already diagnosed lol.
Hehe I struggled with the “do other people say you are” questions too. It’s not like the people I’m with spend their time talking turns describing each other XD
The idea that autistics lack empathy is kinda outdated. Some might struggle with it but there are plenty who don’t, and even some autistic people have talked about struggling with too much empathy. I think the main problem is that we show it differently (?)
I’m an intp. @keilah-h you should take the online quiz! It would be fun to see what personality type you were
Lol! 😂 do I act really autistic or something? I never would have guessed I’d be here ten years ago lol. I actually had a friend ask me if I was autistic when I was in the 5th grade because I had a hard time learning to read when I was young (Dyslexia probably) and I was totally offended 😂😂
Y’know what, online might be the only place I don’t try to mask it, so yeah it makes sense you would have caught on.
Yeah I don’t lack empathy at all, and the test had so many questions about it. The psychiatrist was surprised I didn’t score higher. The thing is, my brain works overtime trying to understand other people and be what they need, so I answered no to a lot of questions. Like, “do you find it hard to connect/empathize with characters in movies and books?”
Like no. I can’t help it 😂 It’s interesting you mention that, I was the super sensitive kid growing up because everything was real to me. If somebody died, like they actually died to me. I’ve kinda acclimated myself just so I can enjoy the things others do, but I still won’t read/watch anything with mention of torture.
Yeah, and honestly about the ‘other people say you…’ questions, if you mask well then why would people say things about you? When I’m open about my life (Bringing my rubiks cube everywhere and talking about it) I have had both of my aunts tell me it seemed obsessive, but that only happened because I was open enough to show them.
Maybe that’s true with showing empathy too. I always try to show empathy in the way the other person needs it most. Which is stressful because that means I’m always collecting information about others to make myself the ideal friend for them.
Oh cool! I don’t know a lot about intp.
Eh idk you just have the right vibes. Maybe I just have a fifth sense for that kinda thing, lol.
But didn’t you also say you struggled with a physical thingy? Was it POTS? There have been recent studies showing that that’s often comorbid with autism. Which is weird. Idk I haven’t researched it much.
I think I struggle with having both too much and too little empathy, actually. 😅 I can’t handle the second hand embarrassment of most comedy movies, and if a character I like dies in a book or show, I will be really sad for at least two weeks. But then if I see my mom crying, my emotions just. Shut off. Nothing. I don’t understand it.
That’s sad that you have to mask around family. At least you have here that you can be yourself :]
I guess I’ve been pretty lucky because most of my family is neurodivergent and whenever they see me acting odd, they usually just say “classic Lindy”, laugh, and move on with their day. Or they join me in being weird ;P
Yeahh intps, the socially awkward nerds XD
I don’t know much about infjs either. Maybe I’ll go down a YouTube rabbit hole about it after this lol
I have autistic vibes. LOL. No but actually, maybe you do have a fifth sense for it. I think when we’re different we notice people like ourselves. Oh, that’s super interesting. I do have POTS, and lot of other physical health problems. I know people don’t like talking about how autism could be linked to physical health issues, but it doesn’t seem far fetched to me.
Oh, interesting. 2nd hand embarrassment gets me too 😂 but I still enjoy it. Even if I’m nearly covering my face. Wow, two weeks? That’s a long time! I like to spoil books and movies for myself ahead of time so I don’t have to deal with the emotional impact then and there, so I actually don’t know how long it would last for me. I guess I’m a little like that too. I don’t feel empathy when I see my mom crying now that you mention it, but I do think ‘what would a loving daughter do in this scenario’ and carry that out to the best of my ability.
Yeah, now that you mention it it is really sad, and i’m sure it contributes to my low energy. My dad has some kind of mental health issue, and he likes to tell people they have a problem. So being different gets you a lecture. My sister (Also autistic) had a ot of coordination issues when she was young, and my dad took her to the playground for ‘practice’ so she would be like the other kids. I wasn’t there but I can imagine it was a dreadful experience. Her theory is that he resents his own neurodivergence issues and projects onto us. I asked the phycologist, and he said it sounds like narcissism but he wouldn’t know if he can’t see him. So yeah. I’m sure I’ll find some friends I can be myself around, and I don’t have to mask around my sis which is nice.
That’s super cool. I think my whole fam is neurodivergent too, they just don’t know how to think of it. Probably because when they were young it wasn’t accepted.
Socially awkward nerd lol! I’m socially awkward when I haven’t had enough time to observe a speech pattern. For instance, I know the pattern of ‘how are you” I’m good how are you? “Good, did you do anything fun this week?” so I don’t have slip ups in that. But if I don’t yet know the rules of the group dynamic and what I’m allowed to do, then yeah…
I used to stand within the just uncomfortable range of people thinking it made them obligated to talk to me. Yep. I know. Sometimes I’d even do this to two people talking to try to join in their conversation.
@mineralizedwritings lol I still do the thing where you stand close to people. Not because I think they’re obligated to talk to me, I just really hope that they will XD I know it’s ineffective and weird, but I don’t know what else to do.
Still don’t ever know what to do with myself after church when everyone is milling about and socializing. I think everyone has figured out I’m awkward because people don’t approach me to chat anymore like they used to.
XD it feels like it should be effective but it isn’t.
yeah I know the feeling. I used to join the really large youth circles but I’d just end up watching people talk to the popular kids and like everyone else was invested in what they had to say. Now I just leave after church 😂
I’m sorry, that sounds rough. It’s their loss though 🙂