
  • Ruee Hamster Huey posted an update 1 year ago

    Guys…Chase might have Cancer…

    • whaley replied 1 year ago

      Okay lemme get this straight
      He’s got a terrible parent, per the norm, but also scars, speech problems, lots of mental stuff due to ded mom, foster care trauma, and probably a lot of injuries within the story on top of probably using his powers too strongly at one point and hurting someone….
      And you wanna give him cAncer??
      Ngl, I’m besties with a boy who has cancer rn and it will take up more of your life than you might think. I doubt Chase would be able to wrap up cancer and follow through on the story plot at the same time.
      Ofc this is just my opinion *shrugs and bites into cream-cheesified bagel* but there’s only so much you can add to a character’s trauma.
      A fun character with cancer is a great idea though.

      • whaley replied 1 year ago

        A side character with cancer can be fun, if it’s not super traumafied. Like the boy I know and his family still act normal and invite me over, and he usually starts playing with legos or with dry ice outside.
        Like, I cannot stress enough the normalcy a real person with cancer will follow. It’s kind of amazing.

        • whaley replied 1 year ago

          Oh, and I don’t mean it will take up your “life.” I meant “energy.”

          • When I looked up Chase’s Broca’s Aphasia (which I do not assign to him directly in the rp, but will do in his actual Universe) I knew that the cause was often pressure or damage on the piece of the brain that deals with communication. This can come in the form of a brain tumor.

            That is why I purposefully added the word ‘might’ to my update.

            I was seriously considering it, for a couple reasons.

            I actually decided against it last night, mainly because…I have seen what cancer can do, and I decided that I didn’t want my charrie to live like that.

            Instead, the cause of his Broca’s aphasia is brain damage, meaning he will probably have trouble the rest of his life with speaking.

            • I’ve made a lot of decisions about Chase lately.

              He used to have a mental therapist, but I’m leaning toward him not having one and his foster family trying to find one that suits him.

              Instead, I decided to give him something I don’t dread researching: speech therapy. This is common for those with aphasia to have.

            • Now I need to get a title and more inspired to write his book one day.
              Though, it’ll probably be a while in the future.

            • whaley replied 1 year ago

              Great, glad you figured it out. I’m giving a charrie some brain damage too and it complicates things bevause you have to decide how much it’s going to affect them. Have you figured out a plot for the book? If you haven’t, I don’t blame you, because plot is hard lol.

            • Reply button!!! I demand you come back!!!

              I don’t think so…I have scraps. For one thing, there’s a slyiad who disguises herself as a school teacher (reason why Chase does not like school teachers) and is searching for an ancient object that’s buried somewhere under Shyton.
              Once she discovers Chase is part shyiad, she tries to kill him, and in that moment of terror, Chase first discovers he can shift. He looses the battle, and his life was only saved by either the creatures, or another shyiad…undefined.

              From then on, Chase tries to learn how to harness his powers so he can help his shyiad mentor to defeat Narsa Jeptune.

              That’s all I got…

    • whaley replied 1 year ago

      The reply button isn’t working for me either 😝
      Oh, okay, that makes sense. So the school teacher is like Mrs. Dodds from PJO 🤣 Narsa Jeptune is a cool villain name. It’s good you can map out some beats in the beginning.
      I have like… the emotional beats worked out plus the physical stuff that necessarily have to happen. First book is outlined, actually. The world building is the part I have to worry about because I can never stick with one cemented system.
