Loopy posted an update 1 year ago
YALL I recently had a really big breakthrough with Paper Stars kinda and now I have like e v e r y t h i n g figured out. The main plot, Ed and Els’ character arcs, Dante’s character arc, the THEME, the epilogue, ALL of it. I have a few holes still and the whole art thing, but it’s all comin’ together *insert Kronk meme*
So, yeah. I’m excited. :]
Watch out y’all, Loops has been hit by the special Loopsalater Ideaotron. You have been warned!!
You even have the epilogue? That’s pretty darn good, knowing the arcs from start to finish. Can’t wait to see what you’ve cooked up ❤
Hehe, well that might be a while still, but thank you ❤️
Congratulations! It’s such a good feeling to figure everything out!