
  • MineralizedWritings posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago

    @freedomwriter76 have you seen the clip from what if of ant man calling Bucky ‘the silent but deadly’? 🤣

    • @freedomwriter76

      It’s hilarious lol, I have no idea what ep. I just saw it in a compilation of all the jokes. It looks like it has Peggy, ross, Bucky, and Black Panther in it?

    • @freedomwriter76

      Pretty sure it’s this one!

    • @freedomwriter76

      Guess what!? I just watched captain america the first avenger with my mom! She really liked it a lot XD I was super nervoud because I’m not very used to sharing my interests with the family, but yeah it was fun! She likes spy movies, so I’m looking forwards to the winter soldier, and also she totally thinks bucky is dead 😜

      oh and not related but I just got some japenese manga paper and Im super excited to draw on it!
      How are you doing?
